Objective to observe the morphological changes of hippocampal mitochondria in senile memory impaired rats.
Short-term memory is impaired, so are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate.
One study found healthy adults designated to a high-fat diet for five days showed impaired attention, memory, and mood compared with a low-fat diet control group.
Even a mild case of dehydration can reduce your mental energy and capacity, causing your memory to become impaired.
It's not like their overall memory was impaired; it's as if they had selectively screened out things that would make them think about the how attractive the alternative was.
Physically, bloodshot eyes and a dry mouth are common symptoms, as well as a slight increase in heartbeat and impaired short term memory.
AD, the most common form of dementia, is characterized by a general, progressive decline in cognitive function that typically presents first as impaired episodic memory.
"These findings show that fast food diets impaired memory acquisition in mice and made their brains more vulnerable to kainate-induced cognitive dysfunction," asserts Halagappa.
According gto the authors high stress puts a strenuous load on working memory, and if one has limited working memory, their ability to accurately assess a situation is impaired.
Visual search (visual attention), visual imagery, motion imagery and visual memory of auditory impaired children were better than that of normal children.
Those afflicted with Alzheimer's suffer from memory loss, impaired decision-making, and diminished language and movement skills.
Impaired odor identification was also associated with a lower level of global cognition at baseline and with more rapid decline in episodic memory, semantic memory, and perceptual speed.
The results indicated: (1) The implicit memory of those cases has no deficiency, vercus, the explicit memory appears impaired.
A short period of psychological stress in infancy can lead to impaired learning and memory and a decline in cognitive abilities in middle-age, according to research conducted in rats.
Symptoms associated with exposure include: impaired memory, confusion, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat.
Prolonged regular use has been linked to memory loss, Parkinson's disease, Impaired immunity, kidney disease, birth defects, cancer and more in numerous studies...
An Internet survey shows that the decline of memory has disturbed many office workers, with 15.96% of them perceiving impaired memory.
In chronic memory loss and dementia, the acetylcholine transmission is impaired.
Postoperative of normal elderly patients, the cognitive impaired is the memory function (p <0.05).
It also leads to impaired memory and physical performance and reduced ability to carry out math calculations.
Conclusions: The obvious impaired executive functions are found in children with ADHD, involving poor response inhibition, impaired working memory, dysfunction of planning and set-shifting.
Oxidative stress is involved in impaired memory, and serum NO, MDA, SOD, T-AOC and VC may be responsible for impaired memory of MPHD.
其记忆力损害可能与氧化应激有关,血清NO、MDA、SOD、VC、T - AOC可能是与记忆力密切相关的氧化应激指标。
This essay probes into the cognitive characteristics of the visually impaired children and the reason for their formation in form of space perception, attention, memory, thinking, and intelligence.
Consume too much, however, and memory can be impaired — along with the rest of you.
Result: the learning-memory ability was severely impaired by the damage of the fornix-fimbria hippocampi.
Recent work indicates that cognitive functions of the brain can be affected by various stress models and that hippocampus mediated memory can be specially impaired by stress.
新近的一些研究资料表明 :多种形式的应激可影响脑的认知功能 ,特别对海马及其介导的记忆有明显伤害。
After being injected, these mice, who also were memory-impaired, performed as well as normal mice in memory tests.
The researchers found that the rats that were injected with the compound only, either before or after the unpleasant experience, had significantly impaired long-term memory.
The researchers found that the rats that were injected with the compound only, either before or after the unpleasant experience, had significantly impaired long-term memory.