Make the most of Mercury's last day in retrograde motion to take a trip down memory lane.
Let's take a stroll down memory lane and look at some of the finest classic automobiles of all time!
Two old pensioners are taking a trip down memory lane by going back to the place where they first met.
Here we walk down memory lane to see how some of the best foreign photographers viewed China in 2016.
It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me.
You can try on those clothes you forgot you had or walk down memory lane with those special keepsakes in that box in the back.
The long passage that connects the two wings of IBM's headquarters in Armonk gives a new meaning to the expression "a walk down memory lane".
School Days Eighteenth February, 1993…I remembered the date, as my mind strolled down memory lane, recalling thoughts, trying to sketch some images.
We've included major changes within each version and some minor ones. This is meant to be a fun stroll down memory lane rather than a complete version catalogue.
We’ve included major changes within each version and some minor ones. This is meant to be a fun stroll down memory lane rather than a complete version catalogue.
A walk down memory lane with a contemporary flair, the collection offers an eclectic wardrobe that boasts its share of relaxed trousers, knits and outerwear.
As familiar as 'Super 8' feels, it's a welcome rush down memory lane that does a bang-up job of channeling that early Spielberg magic -- all while making it feel fresh.
就像《超级8》给人的感觉一样。 过去的观影记忆慢慢灌入脑海,早期斯皮尔伯格影片的魔力使得这一切又重新焕发活力。
Let us take you down memory lane to compare the different forms of entertainment the golden agers of yesteryear enjoyed compared to the luxuries of what you have today.
It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me. It's to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me.
Respectfully, I joined him on his trip down memory lane, listening to his telling me that not long ago he was one of those barefoot children running after the bicycle tire.
Some of these conversations can be a bit heavy so consider ending these conversations with a discussion of what your day or week looks like or reminisce and take a trip down memory lane.
The year itself you're moving into is expansive and Venus knows that your love life will benefit, which is why her trip down love's memory lane is likely to be focused on closing old doors.
When Batgirl and Nightwing take Batman on a trip down memory lane, literally, to visit one of the key mentors from his formative years, it's up to the Justice League to keep Gotham City crime-free.
Rare events that might have an impact on an individual's survival or reproduction should have a special fast lane into the memory bank-and they do.
对于那些可能影响个体生存和繁衍的不寻常事件,它们理应有一个能够优先进入人的记忆库的快速通道,而事实也是如此——这个快速通道叫做ot 2 b肾上腺素受体,是在人的扁桃体中发现的。
On the day of her death Covent Garden and Drury Lane closed their doors as a tribute to her memory.
Each CUDA-capable GPU node includes local DDR3 SDRAM as well as a 16-lane PCI Express? gen2 interface to the system backplane, providing maximum data throughput direct to GPU memory.
If tears could build a stairway and memory a lane, we would walkright to heaven and bring you home again.
如果眼泪能筑成阶梯,回忆能铺成道路,我们就会直奔天堂将您带回家。 蜱。
Catchers plays away, beyond catchers yesterday to start a new tomorrow, the total memory of the rope, bound themselves to the fence in the past Lane.
According to Deadline, Steinfeld would play "London Lane, a 16-year old whose memory is erased at 4:33 every night."
Now the nightly ritual keeps open the sea-lane of memory between colonial past and present nationhood .
Now the nightly ritual keeps open the sea-lane of memory between colonial past and present nationhood .