The most frequently expressed complaint women have about men is that men don' t listen.
It's a place that makes useful men out of boys. Don 't you want to be useful like your brothers?
He also moved into a select group made up only of Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson and Andre Agassi as men who have won all four of the grand slam events.
Don Draper romanced Bethany at Barbetta (much to Betty's dismay) in Season Four of Mad Men.
It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don? T have to.
He motioned the young men and his family away from his bedside; with the other bony claw he hung fast to the Don.
I don 't know why women want any of the things men have when one of the things that women have is men.
And indeed it was easy to see that all four men constantly followed the Don with their eyes.
Inmate 89289, slightly built with short hair, rises to apply makeup and don female undergarments and a brown uniform before the still-slumbering men in the adjacent cells stir.
Meanwhile, Sal accompanies Don on a business trip to Baltimore, where both men succumb to the powers of persuasive seduction.
We asked ten ladies to don a pair of state-of-the art eye-tracking glasses - and then meet a trio of men with very different physical appeals;
We asked ten ladies to don a pair of state-of-the art eye-tracking glasses - and then meet a trio of men with very different physical appeals;