For years, studies have suggested that women and men differ in how they experience pain.
She said other chronic pain conditions more prevalent in women than in men include fibromyalgia or widespread muscle pain, irritable bowel syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis.
One area of research concerns the brain's pain-suppressing mechanisms, and points to the fact that they may be organised differently in men and women.
I'm used to seeing dirty, starving children begging in the streets, unkempt old men sleeping -under newspapers, and hopeless teen-agers forgetting their pain in glue and needles.
In fact, men who have anxiety disorders are also at greater risk for cardiac disorders, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory illness, asthma, and back pain.
Why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men is a question still to be answered by scientists.
I knew he was lonely for a long time, I know none of that happened in his mind the pain, but I do not know yet how to comfort the injured countless men.
Women, more so than men, can also experience a burning sensation in their chest, rather than a pressure or pain.
Our most happily partnered men and women, reported in their 80s, that on the days when they had more physical pain, their moods stayed just as happy.
As he entered Confederate lines, men began to cheer. But the cheering died when the soldiers saw the pain and sorrow in Lee's face.
A study at the pain Management Unit of the University of Bath reported that women feel more pain in their lifetimes and that they feel pain for longer durations than men do.
Part of the problem is that women usually wait longer to have surgery, Dr. O 'connor has found, in contrast to men, who tend to seek surgery before their pain becomes extreme.
Throughout the bumpy, hour-and-a-half ride to the hospital in Horsham, neither of the two injured men spoke of their pain.
Women had a similar response if they disliked the person experiencing the pain but men showed a surge in the reward areas of the brain.
Women also live longer than men do, even if diagnosed with fatal diseases, so we get to hang around longer while in more pain.
Women also live longer than men do, even if diagnosed with fatal diseases, so we get to hang around longer while in more pain.