Jupiter also darts into Aries mid-year, tripling the mental energy.
Rather, it's the mental energy of the people, a wit and a wisdom on buses or in diners.
When we do that, we take our mental energy away from driving. And that's dangerous!
These nouns refer to the expenditure of physical or mental energy to accomplish something.
Up to 75% of your mental energy can be tied up in things that are draining and distracting you.
Massage helps you relax and improve your mental energy. It may also make you more productive at work.
Ask them how they did it. Find ways to free up mental energy for things that are more important to you.
Dealing with complexity is an inefficient and unnecessary waste of time, attention and mental energy.
Users' mental energy should be spent on solving their problems, not figuring out how the website works.
Invest all of your mental energy and concentrate on the activity until there is nothing else in the world.
By making a plan, you decide where your mental energy is allocated instead of allowing to be dispersed randomly.
Ask them how they did it. Find ways to free up your mental energy for things that are more important to you.
You have to invest time, money, and your own mental energy to make education and cultural literacy work for you.
The successful individual does not waste precious mental energy dwelling on past events which cannot be changed.
Even a mild case of dehydration can reduce your mental energy and capacity, causing your memory to become impaired.
But if you can learn to control your mental energy, this aspect can help you escape from the limits of everyday thinking.
When you're feeling blue, it can be hard to muster up the physical and mental energy to do the things that make you happier.
Now, what effect will this negatively charged mental energy have on his perception and behavior if and when he encounters another dog?
Margin has the greatest effect on your energy reserves, with energy being understood as your physical, emotional, social, and mental energy.
How many times have you made it to the end of a dance or a round, only to find your legs, your lungs, or your mental energy failing you?
Making a major change in diet can be hard when you don't have the physical or mental energy that accompanies depresssion, so take small steps.
In your system of three-dimensional reality you are learning about mental energy (also called thought energy or psychic energy) and how to use it.
Unlike the rest of us they are not DE facto prioritizing their activities, they are actually actively expending mental energy to put something off.
At that point, very little of your mental energy is being directed at the actual problem and instead is diverted to the emotional tempest you're brewing.
If they aren't forced to spend effort and mental energy managing their computer's file system, they're going to be more focused on the task at hand.
Mental energy can be increased through the stress andconditioning method, through challenging mental study and tasks, deeplearning and creative activities.
Mental energy can be increased through the stress andconditioning method, through challenging mental study and tasks, deeplearning and creative activities.