One person in every four will suffer from a diagnosable mental health condition during their life course.
As a special social group, college students' mental health condition has been causing the concern of the whole society.
The mental health condition was different among various education levels, financial sources and social supports (P<0.05).
Objective To study the correlation between mental health condition and life events of employees in different systems of ownership enterprise.
It's illegal to ask an applicant about a medical condition including mental health conditions, hiring managers are attuned to behavior during the interview.
The main factors that affect the mental health conditions of the nursing staffs are social support, colleague relationship, environmental pressure and the health condition.
The Symptoms Check List 90 (SCL-90) was used to examine the mental health condition of normal university students in an effort to explore the influence of control on them .
This paper discusses the mental health condition of core physical education teachers and influencing factors by using the SCL-90 quantum table, compares it with national norm.
By using the method of documentary, data investigation and questionnaire, this paper makes an analysis on mental health condition and sports activity for college students in Liaoning province.
It is not the characteristics of their nationalities but the geographical features of their dwellings that cause the poor mental health condition of Zhuang and Han college students in Guangxi.
Despite the large number of troops who were worried about their mental health, only about one-third of the Iraq veterans who sought help were actually diagnosed with a mental health condition.
With diseases like diabetes, which requires a lot of self-care, poor management can lead to more complications, which in turn can feed back and exacerbate the mental-health condition.
So the mental framework to believe that Obama is foreign probably was, to use a health care term, a preexisting condition.
Respect life respect others also respect their life, is in the process of the life of concomitant, is also a condition of mental health.
The factors affecting community elders' life quality are as following in turn: mental hygiene, health state, economic income, life habit, life condition and social communication, etc.
Respect for life, respect for others and respect for his own life, is in the process of the life of concomitant, is also a condition of mental health.
As the utility index of health condition measure, SRHMS can synthetically evaluate health condition on the three aspects of body, mental and society adaptation.
Uuniversity female students' condition of mental health were infected apparently by their family formation, the single child family or not and different grades(P<0.05).
The article attempts to seek relative countermeasures so as to help them to step out of mental dilemma by the analysis of both the condition and the cause of present policemen mental health.
ConclusionThe better the condition of mental health, the higher the level of self-esteem was in junior medical students.
AIM: to analyze the general health condition and mental state of patients with burn injury of different degrees so as to provide better evidence for the clinical treatment.
Adopting Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90), the paper investigated and researched the condition of the mental health about 117 masters of physical education.
运用症状自评量表(SCL- 90),对117名体育硕士研究生的心理健康状况进行调查分析。
New Italian research adds to evidence that people with the immune condition called sarcoidosis often suffer from mental health problems, especially depression.
Objective To study the effect of mental health education as a course on junior university students' mental condition.
The results also reminded that we should pay more attention to deaf students' mental condition, and strengthen mental health education and consultation.
How to improve the mental health level, make people happy in the condition of their old age, spent has become an important psychological care of elderly people.
Objective: To explore the characteristic of personality and the condition of mental health of persons with different occupations.
Objective Investigate and analyse the condition of leave off study of the rural middle school students 'mental health.
Objective to investigate university female students condition of mental health and Influential factors of the mental health.
Objective to investigate university female students condition of mental health and Influential factors of the mental health.