But there is more to love than emotion and addiction. It is also a complex mental process.
Dan Wegner, a psychologist at Harvard, refers to the failure as an "ironic" mental process.
Time reasoning is a mental process to infer the succession, duration and focus of events.
That's a physical process that causes some sorts of changes in the mental processes occurring in my soul.
Schema theory is a theory used in cognitive psychology to explain the mental process of comprehension.
Listening comprehension is a complicated psychological language pr oc ess and creative mental process.
Lastly, this article attaches great importance to the mental process being used by the court in the case report.
To understand this frustrating mental process, let’s play a simple game with only one rule: Don’t think about white bears.
Language thinking refers to the mental process of expressing the process and results of thinking with a specific language.
This means that we fit out actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation.
This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation.
The uniquely human mental process called worrying depends upon having a brain that can reason, remember, reflect, feel, and imagine.
Empathy is one of the most important character and inherent mental process of people, and it play a significant role in whole mental life.
Thus, the interpretation and inference of parodic language in English news headlines is a dynamic cognitive process involving a mental process.
In 1966 wason devised a famous wason's selection task or four-card problem to have one's mental process being probed when he is solving problems.
In fact, in the birth of an idea Gemini is better at pontification than direction, but this is a valuable contribution to Libra's mental process.
They went wholly by holding the irons close to their cheeks, gauging the heat by some secret mental process that Martin admired but could not understand.
Reading is the mental process that reader decodes and obtains information, draws the meaning to spoken and written languages material that vision input into.
It is universally acknowledged that listening process is an invisible complex mental process and listening comprehension is crucial in second language acquisition.
Before you judge that compromise too harshly, reflect that the ability to hold views that are not logically self-consistent is a hallmark of the human mental process.
This article dissected the ascending imagery from 6 aspects. The imagery reflected the mental process of the ancient writers, and incarnated their aesthetics and creation.
Learning, according to those theories, is both an individual mental process of constructing meaning as well as a social and tool-mediated process of knowledge co-construction.
After analyzing several theory models of inductive reasoning, we use the Bayes Theorem to prove the premise probability principle, and integrate this theory with human mental process.
After analyzing several theory models of inductive reasoning, we use the Bayes Theorem to prove the premise probability principle, and integrate this theory with human mental process.