Hill also has claimed he should not be executed since he is mentally retarded.
Those children who have impaired eyesight or hearing or are mentally retarded can also go to special school.
Schools, families and communities are three main ecological environments in mentally retarded children's life.
She had survived two episodes of the disease, which had left her partially paralyzed and mildly mentally retarded.
A psychologist testifying for the defense said that Atkins was mentally retarded, but the jury sentenced him to death.
But there is few report on the practice and application of using Orff instruments in the training of mentally retarded children.
There are a lot of practice and researches on application of multiple intelligences theory in education for mentally retarded children.
Conclusion the parents with mentally retarded students knew little about the fragile X syndrome, but whose acceptability of screening was high.
The behavior problems incidence rate among the mentally retarded students was 39.4%, being 3 ~ 4 times as that of the matched children with normal IQ.
培智学校学生行为问题检出率(39.4%)是正常同龄儿的3 ~4倍,以多动、不成熟、社交退缩为主要表现。
This article develops a research on it, and examines the efficacy of Orff instruments on developing musical intelligence of mentally retarded children.
George’s youngerbrother, a copywriter in New Jersey, said George was eventually foundto be mentally retarded but has not been examined for his disabilitysince childhood.
I owe my ability to accept maternal failure to my son Adam. Though I bred young, never smoked or drank, ate right, and all that, Adam showed up with an extra chromosome, mentally retarded.
"We are spending very little, but the benefit is enormous, " said Dr. Khawaja Masuood Ahmed, an official of the Micronutrient Initiative here. "We're preventing people from becoming mentally retarded.
微量元素推广机构的一个官员KhawajaMasuood Ahmed博士说,“我们只需要投入很少的钱就可以收到很多好处,我们阻止了人们的头脑变得迟钝。”
"We are spending very little, but the benefit is enormous, " said Dr. Khawaja Masuood Ahmed, an official of the Micronutrient Initiative here. "We're preventing people from becoming mentally retarded.
微量元素推广机构的一个官员KhawajaMasuood Ahmed博士说,“我们只需要投入很少的钱就可以收到很多好处,我们阻止了人们的头脑变得迟钝。”