We were very friendly with all local shopkeepers and we happened to mention to a local shopkeeper how much we had made that week.
There was one thing Mary didn't mention to Jim.
We think of this as an old person's migration, but it created many jobs for the young in construction and health care, not to mention tourism, retail and restaurants.
Even to go out to search for my husband's body, I was afraid, not to mention to sell things in the market," she said.
“因为没钱,有一段时间,我的第二个孩子不得不辍学在家,” Sudarmi说:“在听到丈夫被杀的消息后,我根本没有胆量走出家门,没胆量出去寻找丈夫的尸体,更不要提到市场上卖东西了。”
She has been to every corner of the earth and will casually mention to you and everyone within earshot how well traveled she is.
As we sometimes mention to you, our plans are continually being updated according to the feedback we get from our computers and earthly sources.
We used to be really close, but that all changed when she moved to Shanghai. How about your family? You didn't mention to your biological father.
The jury also awarded a special mention to a scheme called Dress Up! Which was conceived by a team of architects and artists from Seoul, Beijing and New York.
Make ye mention to the nations; behold, publish against Jerusalem, that watchers come from a far country, and give out their voice against the cities of Judah.
So the king walter mention to his magician seek roots to method, the results said the magician, to build towers in the lime added a child's blood, but the child's father must not human.
'Mention to the man, then, if you please, Towlinson,' said Miss Tox, 'that the lady's uncle is a magistrate, and that if he gives her any of his impertinence he will be punished terribly.
The mere mention of the words "heart failure" can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death.
Although his host didn't mention it, Ji Zha could see he wanted to own it very much.
You can be set up to send SMS or email alerts when people mention your brand.
No discussion of seed plant contribution to human diet would be complete without the mention of alcohol.
Before we close today, I thought I'd mention a biological event that's a part of the transition from winter to spring, something you can go outside and watch if you have some patience.
Luck is important to success, but since you've seen that fantastic video on the TED Talks website by Richard St. John, he doesn't mention luck at all.
My parents seldom mention the sufferings they have gone through to me.
Cooking real food is the best defense, not to mention that any meal you're likely to eat at home contains about 200 fewer calories than one you would eat in a restaurant.
When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers.
He's an older fellow. He's sort of my age and the reason I mention Chuck Mangione is that many years ago, I went to school with him.
When I teach in the classroom, we often end up talking about things like success and what leads to success, and it's interesting that many of them mention the element of luck.
I also mention in my book that when we use the OO paradigm, it is not easy to represent graphically at all times where our application is.
The mention of price increases sent citizens out to buy up as much as they could.
Strict rules ban any musical instrument, cigarettes, games, and singing, not to mention radio, television, telephone, telegraph, and newspaper.
Today, I'd like to mention the five hypotheses proposed by Stephen Krashen.
Wasted time is a drag on American's economic and-private lives, not to mention infuriating.
That's because quickly growing energy demand requires immense investment in new supply, not to mention the drain of rising energy prices.
That's because quickly growing energy demand requires immense investment in new supply, not to mention the drain of rising energy prices.