You can now type Ctrl-M, Ctrl-V within a Controller action method, or right-click within an action method and choose the "Add view" context menu item to create new view templates.
你现在可以在一个控制器的action方法中键入Ctrl - M, Ctrl - V,或者在一个action方法中右击,选择“添加视图”上下文菜单项来生成新的视图模板。
From the Main menu, type "1" to choose the menu item, Create a new cluster or add a cluster node.
Type Indexing into the control panel search or the start menu search box, and you should see an item called Indexing Options.
To select an item on the menu, all you had to do was read it and type in its first letter preceded by a slash. Submenus then replaced the main menu on the top line.
To select an item on the menu, all you had to do was read it and type in its first letter preceded by a slash. Submenus then replaced the main menu on the top line.