Combining the exports and imports of goods gives the merchandise trade balance.
WITH world merchandise trade growing by around 15% a year and China's exports at nearly twice that rate, the boom in container shipping is set to run and run.
The forging of global supply chains in the past 20 years, the rise in merchandise trade and the emergence of China as the workshop of the world created growing demand.
Assuming a basic scenario of global GDP growth between 2.5% and 3%, global merchandise trade could slow down to about 4.5% in 2008, or about 1 percentage point less than in 2007.
Art and ideas as well as merchandise travelled the trade routes that criss-crossed Europe.
Sometimes a fearful seller dumps his merchandise on a calm and disciplined buyer waiting for a trade to come to him.
Trade caravans from China carrying large amounts of silk fabrics exchanged merchandise with traders from Persia, India and Greece, and brought home walnuts, grapes and carrots from abroad.
Moreover China's international trade has huge development potential. If the RMB appreciates, China's merchandise will be more expensive.
The marketing channel manages the circulation theories in the economics, the merchandise circulation theories, the trade cost economics and the marketing theories for foundation and source.
In addition to visible trades such as import and export goods and merchandise etc. outside, there is also invisible trade, include the commutation for serving of the of nation among them.
Our specialty is the manufacture and export trade of hardware, tools, and daily necessities (general merchandise).
The cut flower has become large amounts of merchandise in the international trade, and the demand is increasing year by year.
Develop and maintain market awareness through merchandise shows, trade periodicals, and other resources to secure new product and pricing information.
We've sold over 2,000 of our merchandise in that trade event alone, and you can hear about what our customers have to say about their reasoning for buying our merchandise in this clip right here…
He got a good estate by merchandise, and leaving off his trade, lived afterward at York, from whence he had married my mother.
He got a good estate by merchandise, and leaving off his trade, lived afterward at York, from whence he had married my mother.