In fact, these panels show the location (circled) of Swift X-ray detected supermassive black holes in a variety of merging galaxy systems.
That means when the two stars finally get around to merging, they could be far away from the galaxy of their birth — good news, as it happens, for optical confirmation.
The ejection process, as simulated by supercomputers, involves such exotic things as gravitational waves to help propel the two merging black holes out of a galaxy.
They found that the ejection is probably the result of two mega black holes merging as part of a galaxy-on-galaxy collision.
What the simulations predict is that every galaxy has a different merging history – that when you look at a galaxy you're going to find a big variety in the tidal features.
As an application, we analyze the energy propagation during collective SN explosions in a merging model of galaxy formation.
Finding two black holes in one galaxy, said Komossa, "supports the idea that black holes can grow to enormous masses in the centers of galaxies by merging with other black holes."
After Galaxy Zoo's initial success, Lintott wanted to take a closer look at merging galaxies.
After Galaxy Zoo's initial success, Lintott wanted to take a closer look at merging galaxies.