For more information about Message Exchange Patterns please refer to the W3C web site.
The specification also discusses JMS message types, security concerns and message exchange patterns.
The Axis2 client API provides methods to be used for commonly used Message Exchange Patterns (MEPs).
Axis2客户机api提供了用于常用消息交换模式(Message Exchange Pattern,mep)的方法。
It further illustrates how to access this stateful resource using the standard set of message exchange patterns defined in the WSRF specifications.
The WS-Addressing specification adds functionality necessary to enable the types of message exchange patterns demanded by B2B integration scenarios.
WS - Addressing规范添加了启用B2B集成场景所需的消息交互模式类型所必要的功能。
The WS-Addressing specification adds the functionality necessary to enable the types of message exchange patterns demanded by B2B integration scenarios.
WS - Addressing规范增加了消息交换模式类型所必需的功能,而它们是B2B集成场景所需要的。
This authentication mode can be used to secure duplex message exchange patterns and requires the service to be configured with the client certificate out of band.
Architecture: Several layers of specifications for message format, message exchange patterns (MEP), underlying transport protocol bindings, message processing models, and protocol extensibility.
Message exchange pattern: data services could be accessed via the four primary message exchange patterns - request/reply (tight SLA), request/reply (relaxed SLA), fire/forget, and publish/subscribe.
消息交换模式:数据服务可以通过四种主要的消息交换模式被访问:请求-应答(严格SLA)、请求-应答(宽松SLA ),即发即弃和发布-订阅。
However, it's important to point out that many other message exchange patterns require this feature and it was the desire to support these as well that drove the TC to adopt such a broad solution.
However, it's important to point out that many other message exchange patterns require this feature and it was the desire to support these as well that drove the TC to adopt such a broad solution.