A deeper and longer-lasting impression of a message was formed when delivered in a letter, as opposed to receiving the same message online.
Richard Jones, one of the founders of Last.fm, posted a message online saying: “Apple just ------ over online music subs for the iPhone.”
First, it will become clear that your organization no longer controls your message online - so worrying about social media causing a lack of control is not worth fearing.
It gets to be cumbersome to try to scroll back to find out what a person said, especially when several people are on online almost at the same time, each one competing for time to write a message.
People can feel the real message you are sending, whether you are talking to them on the phone, in person, or online.
The snowballing online reaction sends a clear message that people are not prepared to take this sort of thing lying down.
ONLINE advertisers are not lacking in choices: They can display their ads in any color, on any site, with any message, to any audience, with any image.
My message to potential customers was: you'd be stupid not to sell online, and if you sell online you'd be stupid to use anyone else's software.
The important message here is for men who are fine-tuning their online dating profiles: If you are going to "exaggerate" your qualities I recommend that you don't overdo it.
As an industry, we are goingthrough some huge changes and face an increasingly challenging task of makingour message more relevant to today's online customer.
Similarly, messages destined for client applications are held in server-side message queues and then sent to the client applications when the device is back online.
If the message target is offline, the message is stored on disk so it can be processed once the target system is back online.
Offline, online and mobile marketing initiatives create an opportunity to lead consumers from one message to another by integrating those strategies.
By Thursday afternoon, it seemed likely that the man who flew a small plane into a building housing the IRS in Austin, Texas, had left behind an online message, part suicide note and part manifesto.
Pamela said they realized the need for a service like this when one of their online friends, who had volunteered a lot of time helping their customers on a Web message board, suddenly disappeared.
Message-based transaction processing and XML-based online transaction processing (OLTP), especially in the financial industry.
The necessary queues and databases are created using scripts provided in the WebSphere Message Broker online help.
In an online message posted on YouTube, he said:"You can raise your level of respect if you raise your pants.", while pleading to young people not to "surrender control over your own image".
The message became an internet sensation after being rapidly circulated online, earning Mrs Bourne the nicknames “Miss Fancy Pants” and the “mother-in-law from hell”.
Laharsub is an open source.net publish-subscribe message server for real time web applications like chat, online collaboration, news or stock trade updates, etc.
Listing 2 shows the RS secondary server online log message when LOG_STAGING_DIR is set at RS secondary server.
For instance, a JMS client could send a message to an MDB (which is constantly online awaiting incoming messages), which in turn could access a session bean or a handful of entity beans.
In this example, when a user logs in to the system, the services send a message via a JMS topic to tell all the other Flex clients that the user is online.
This means that even if a user has closed the app, they’ll show up as someone who has been online recently and looking for a conversation. And you can message them.
If the defect is found in the online help, error message, or screen information, then the activity is Documentation Review.
Finally, since you are online, a Siri enabled TV could answer whether your iPhone or computer has received a new message, and let you respond accordingly.
Television network Fox said 122 million votes were cast by the public by phone, text message and online.
Television network Fox said 122 million votes had been cast by the public by phone, text message and online.
For example, consider an application that sends a message each time an item is added to an online shopping cart.
For example, consider an application that sends a message each time an item is added to an online shopping cart.