There are two basic types of switching techniques: circuit switching and message switching.
This paper introduces the idea of logic integration, and presents the architecture of an aero-message switching system, which is the application level gateway.
This paper analyses the average communication delay of circuit-switching, message switching, packet-switching, virtual cut-through and direct-passing and, the average response time of direct-passing.
Unfortunately, that message has not gotten through to the average American, who would rather try switching to "light" beer and low-calorie bread than increase physical exertion.
This sort of bold party switching would not only send the message that you think your own side is bereft of talent. It would also create a huge problem with succession.
If that error message doesn't come down the pipe, your browser might spend a minute trying to connect in vain before giving up and switching over to IPv4 by itself.
如果该出错信息没有发过来,在放弃努力并自己切换回IPv 4前,你的浏览器可能要花费一分钟来进行无谓尝试。
You can change the default messages by creating your own file and switching out the message resource bundle in the faces context for the specified locale, as shown in Figure 15.
通过创建自己的message .properties文件并断开指定场所的faces上下文中绑定的消息资源,您可以更改默认消息,如图15所示。
The German publication suggests Theissen's offer is a message to red Bull, the currently Renault-powered team that is considering switching to Mercedes engines next year.
This sort of bold party switching would not only send the message that you think your own side is bereft of talent.
In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights.
In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights.