And it happened once more: adding those MessageBox.
Appears you have a lot more going on than just a black messagebox.
Why does a MessageBox not block the Application on a synchronized thread?
Use Messagebox or System.out.println to output information to the server console.
使用Messagebox或System . out . println向服务器控制台输出信息。
MessageBox. Show string text, string caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon.
If the messagebox is continously showing, then there is a condition fullfilled that causes receive to return.
This MessageBox is one example of a set of standard dialogs that SWT provides. Some of the other more useful ones are.
Using the instruction editor, let's update the ComputeAndDisplay method body by calling the overloaded method MessageBox.
When the wrapping is done, a second messagebox is shown with instructions to add the mapping information to the application, as shown in Figure 3
在包装完成时,显示第二个消息框,其中包含将映射信息添加到应用程序中的说明,如图3 所示
To open a MessageBox that presents the user with a message of Hello! When your button is clicked, you need to implement the run method as shown in listing 3.
若要在单击按钮时打开为用户演示Hello !消息的MessageBox,需要实现run方法,如清单3所示。
You might write a message to the server console using a Messagebox statement, write to a central NotesLog, or even use a custom error logging database such as OpenLog.
I can receive the test from a sender client and display it in a MessageBox, but am having trouble updating the textbox on the form with that same text (which is what I actually want to do).
I can receive the test from a sender client and display it in a MessageBox, but am having trouble updating the textbox on the form with that same text (which is what I actually want to do).