The Messaging Server has the following components.
The Unified Messaging server will look for a valid certificate in this order.
Note that you don't have an instant messaging server set up yet (that is the point of this article!)
Note that it doesn't contain the Web Console or the EJB, messaging server, or Web services containers.
Note: Sametime instant messaging server information must be configured in your Notes 7 client to use this feature.
JMS and MOMs work nicely together because they both divide responsibility between message clients and the messaging server.
WebSphere Application server instances, databases, messaging servers, mail servers, or other complex processes should not be running there.
Instant Messaging server: an "instant Messaging server" provides a communication service that allows users to send and receive messages instantly.
Unlike other J2EE application servers, Geronimo comes preintegrated with external resource components like a database, a messaging server, and a directory server.
To satisfy security requirements that may be imposed by the remote messaging server, you can connect to the remote messaging server from your Edge Transport server.
The Lotus Sametime bot needs only to authenticate on the messaging server using a valid username and password; it doesn't rely on how the Lotus Sametime bot was deployed.
LotusSametimebot只需要在消息传递服务器上使用有效的用户名和密码进行验证;它不依赖于Lotus Sametime bot是如何部署的。
Loose coupling provides the flexibility to target an application at a different messaging server, destination, or even transport without the need to recompile and redeploy it.
However, if you are troubleshooting an issue on a Unified Messaging server, you may have to increase the diagnostic logging level to help you locate the source of the problem.
The new messaging platform is a JMS-compliant messaging provider that connects the applications using the SIBus and provides each application with local, in-process access to the messaging server.
新的消息传递平台是符合JMS 的信息传递提供程序,通过SIBus连接到应用程序,并向每个应用程序提供对消息传递服务器的本地进程内访问。
If a server fails, both the messaging and Business Events event processing will fail over to another server within the cluster.
On the server, you can consider the Ajax messaging service a Comet server implementation with the Dojo Toolkit providing client-side support.
You can select various topologies for the cluster, such as all components on each server, or the messaging engine on a different node from the process container.
The installation and administration of the application server and messaging engine happen seamlessly in the same fashion.
The advantage of this configuration is the removal of the messaging engine bottleneck as each server processes service requests presented to the cluster elements.
Each server instance has an active messaging engine, rather than the single active me in the golden topology.
The messaging engine is the component in the application server process that implements the logic of the messaging infrastructure itself.
Note: If your messaging engine is part of the application server that is being restarted, it will restart also.
Our goal is to configure an application server to support our messaging application as shown in figure 9.
Finally, all of the tooling for both the messaging engine and the application server is commonly available.
Inbound communications are performed asynchronously using the messaging infrastructure provided by the hosting application server as Message Providers.
In fact, you literally can't have a J2EE application server without a messaging solution; an implementation of the JMS standard is a requirement of the J2EE specification.
Note that the client USES a specific port to communicate with the messaging engine on the server, which by default is 7276.
CSCF handles SIP registration of the end points and process SIP signal messaging of the appropriate application server in the service layer.
For example, my last presentation was on unified messaging in Exchange Server 2010.
What if you don't use your server for HTTP-based messaging?
如果对基于 HTTP 的消息传递不使用服务器呢?