In short, DNA makes messenger RNA, and messenger RNA makes proteins.
He has done so by collecting and analysing the animals' messenger RNA.
The level of messenger RNA from most genes was the same in both types of people.
Messenger RNA is a molecule made when a gene is involved in making its protein.
A messenger RNA molecule synthesized from the DNA directs the synthesis of the protein.
A messenger RNA molecule synthesized from the DNA directs the synthesis of the protein.
Messenger RNA (mRNA) -- an RNA molecule that serves as a template for protein synthesis.
信使核糖核酸-- 核糖核酸的一种,当蛋白质合成中当作模板指定讯息的转译。
Messenger RNA (mRNA) does not contain introns, these being removed during the transcription process.
He then analysed the activity of their genes, as measured by the production of a substance called messenger RNA.
The mature miRNA is incorporated into an RNA-induced silencing complex that binds to a target messenger RNA (mRNA).
Instead of synthesizing proteins, this tiny RNA molecule latched onto messenger RNAs (chart), causing their destruction.
Until recently, however, the identity of the molecular scissors that actually cut messenger RNA during RNAi has remained elusive.
Levels of messenger RNA and expression of HMGA1 and INSR proteins were also determined in patients with type 2 DM and control patients.
The study included 257 patients with pN0 colorectal cancer who provided 2,570 lymph nodes for biopsy and GUCY2C messenger RNA analysis.
Ribosomes build proteins by linking chemical segments fashioned from instructions delivered via messenger RNA, which is DNA's molecular cousin.
Scientists thought that most RNA in a cell was messenger RNA generated by protein-coding genes, RNA in ribosomes, or a sprinkling of other RNA elsewhere.
Genes — discrete segments of long DNA molecules — transcribe their sequences onto single-strand messenger RNA molecules, which then serve as templates for proteins.
The ribosome, for example, carries out one of the most important cellular functions: the synthesis of proteins from amino acids, using messenger RNA as the template.
Then along came RNA editing, in which guide RNAs or enzyme action modify some messenger RNAs such that the final protein sequence cannot be deduced from the gene sequence alone.
They have been successfully used in antisense technology, for their ability to specifically bind to messenger RNA (mRNA) targets and to inhibit translation of the target genes.
In the Nature paper, the researchers discovered that the majority of crawling (movement along messenger RNA) occurs during a new kind motion, "head swivel," rather than ratcheting.
One possibility is that since messenger RNA molecules are not destroyed like they should be, the bacteria are overcome by an array of confusing instructions that should have been turned off.
Derrick Rossi of Harvard University has performed a similar trick using synthetic RNA messenger molecules to mimic the activity of the genes in question.
The RNA messenger molecules relay them to structures known as ribosomes that read them and make proteins accordingly.
And RNA (ribonucleic acid), is responsible for only a DNA contained in the genetic information to proteins, "messenger" - an obscure, "a supporting role.
And RNA (ribonucleic acid), is responsible for only a DNA contained in the genetic information to proteins, "messenger" - an obscure, "a supporting role.