On April 10th 1663, Samuel Pepys, diarist and man-about-London, noted that he had enjoyed “a sort of French wine called Ho Bryan that hath a good and most particular taste that I never met with”.
1663年4月10日,赛缪尔•佩皮斯(Samuel Pepys),日记作家和伦敦社交场上的花花公子,记录道他品尝了“一种叫做奥布莱恩(HoBryan)的法国葡萄酒,有着我从未体验过的美妙绝伦的口味”。
He's such a good man. We became friends almost as soon as we met. He's very sweet and I feel so secure when I'm with him.
Camin says, 'So you have met Solomen, eh? He is a man with a wealth of knowledge. It is good to hear he is well.
A while back, I met a young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline, Illinois. He was a good-looking kid, six-two or six-three, clear-eyed, with an easy smile.
A while back, I met a young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline, Illinois. He was a good-looking kid, six-two or six-three, clear-eyed, with an easy smile.