Available for 2 ~ 6 acid and alkaline welding electrode, gravity electrode and metal fill.
适用直径2 ~6的酸性、碱性焊条和重力焊条的焊接和金属填补。
This welding process joints work pieces by melting the electrode and the base metal with the heat from the electric arc between the electrode and the work piece.
Suitable for welding ferrous metal workpiece with general AC electrode.
Surfacing process test is made on Q235 steel substrate by shielded metal arc welding process using electrode CHR322 at different welding current condition.
前言:采用焊条电弧焊工艺方法,选用C HR322堆焊焊条在Q235钢基体上以不同的焊接电流进行了堆焊试验。
With SMAW method, the surfaces of A3 and 45 steel were welded by using the series of CHR electrode, and the microstructure and performance of surfacing welding layer metal were analyzed.
借助手工电弧焊方法,使用CHR系列堆焊焊条对A 3、45钢进行堆焊加工,分析了其堆焊层金属的显微组织及性能。
In this paper various metal transfer modes in the pulse MIG welding with steel electrode are studied by means of high speed cine camera and oscillograph.
Surfacing process is conducted on the substrate of steel A3 by shielded metal arc welding process using electrode CHR322 under different welding current conditions.
采用堆焊焊条CHR322,在A 3钢基体上以不同的焊接工艺进行手工电弧堆焊试验。
The welding metal can form granular bainite structure and mechanics property of welding joints is consistent with the parent metal. The result shows that this welding electrode can meet the need.
Neodymium can increase weld metal hot cracking susceptibility of the pure nickel electrode used for cold welding of cast iron.
Neodymium can increase weld metal hot cracking susceptibility of the pure nickel electrode used for cold welding of cast iron.