Research progress in recent years on methane emission from rice fields in China was summarized briefly.
The advances in the research of methane emission from rice paddies and related soil properties and environmental factors are reviewed.
It is pointed out that any strategy to be employed for reducing methane emission from rice paddies should not cause reduction of rice yield and increase of other greenhouse gas emissions.
The methane emission from soil to the atmosphere is mostly through rice plants, only small amounts of methane is released across the water-air interface via bobbles or molecular diffusion.
In this paper, the experimental design for monitoring methane emission flux from rice paddy in Guangzhou area with automatic sampling and analyzing system is introduced.
Rice plants play a pivotal role in methane emission and more than 90% of CH4 released from a rice field during a growing season can be emitted by rice plant-mediated transport.
Methane emission was higher from late rice fields than from early rice fields, in all treatments.
Methane from rice paddy is one of major contributor to methane emission.
Methane from rice paddy is one of major contributor to methane emission.