Simplified Varargs Method Invocation.
Each transition is a method invocation followed by a hash table.
Tom Enebo adds that "the JIT threshold is just a method invocation counter."
The remote region provides a cache region using a remote method invocation (RMI) API.
远程区域提供了一个使用远程方法调用(RMI)API 的缓存区域。
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) employs the serialization process in a special manner.
远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation,RMI)用特殊的方式利用序列化过程。
A SOAP endpoint is just an HTTP-based URL that identifies a target for method invocation.
Therefore, you need to know how WSDL interfaces are mapped to SOAP method invocation calls.
The method invocation gets a Hello message as a response in the form of XML, HTML, or text.
Each method invocation is prefixed with the service name in the servicename.methodname format.
每个方法调用是以服务名称为前缀的,格式为servicename .methodname。
In usual cases of method invocation the return result is a function object, which is then executed.
Depending on the MEP for a given method invocation the number of flows associated with it may vary.
The first invocation must be started from an actor that initialises the first method invocation.
This allows remote Method Invocation (RMI) -style remote exceptions to be implemented using SOAP.
Application component: a categorization label, or metadata, given to the method invocation, in context.
The simple invocation handler I built could be used for any pre - and post-method invocation processing.
If a page action method invocation returns a non-null string value, Seam treats it as a navigation event.
Operation.html (Listing 23) will ask the user to provide parameters that go with the method invocation call.
For example, the proxy class could delegate the method invocation to any other object or even handle it itself.
Method Invocation, Method Invocation Table, Execution Flow, Execution Flow Table, and UML2 Sequence Diagram views
For J2EE applications, a method invocation may be labeled as Session EJB, which is also the application component.
Values set in ADDRESS-OF special registers persist only for the span of the particular program or method invocation.
ADDRESS -OF专用寄存器中的值集合将仅在特定程序或方法调用期间存在。
Remember that once these options are set, they affect all instances obtained from the factory after the method invocation.
From there, I'll go on to compare SOAP, and RPC in general, with one of its biggest competitors, remote method invocation (RMI).
My application requires three kinds of notification: set attribute value, before method invocation, and after method invocation.
These stringent requirements ensure that the compiler can catch method invocation errors, which leads to more reliable programs.
It will first validate method parameters upon a method invocation and then delegate the method call to the implementation class.
I can use a findNotificationInfo() method to find a notification info instance during a setAttribute() call or method invocation.
可以使用findNotificationInfo()方法在 setAttribute()调用或者方法调用时查找通知信息实例。
One is to invoke the logon method first, and when the method invocation returns true, invoke a method to fetch tasks consequently.
However, EJB will still have a place in defining endpoints for message delivery, remote and asynchronous method invocation, timers, etc.
If you set this element to False, WebLogic Server does not automatically load the bean into the cache until the first method invocation.