Because the entire body of the method is a single block, I can define and use local variables within the body without any problems.
Variables declared with a method are local to that method and cannot be used outside of it.
Static local variables retain their value between method calls.
The static local variable is interesting because the common language runtime (CLR) does not support static variables inside a method.
Often, you have many local variables that are short-lived within a method, but the method itself is invoked repeatedly and frequently.
Variables declared inside a method are called local variables because they are available only to that method and not to any other parts of the code.
Variables declared within a method are said to be local variables. What is the significance of the word local in this context?
The _startup method copies this information into local variables and hooks up any necessary event handling, as shown in Figure 7.
_ Startup方法将该信息复制到局部变量并挂钩任何必要的事件处理,如图7所示。
While ByVal parameters are effectively local variables, ByRef variables have to copy their value back to the calling method under all circumstances.
I find that this actually increases the readability of methods: there is no chance of confusing local variables and instance variables when glancing through a method.
Pass into the target method as parameters local-scope variables that are read from the extracted code.
I find that this actually increases the readability of methods: there is no chance of confusing local variables and instance variables when glancing through a method.
If a method only operates on independently synchronized objects, local variables, or non-volatile data members, such as those initialized during construction, then synchronization is not required.
Wildcards also have the advantage that they can be used outside of method signatures, as the types of fields, local variables and arrays.
Gets a value indicating whether local variables in the method body are initialized to the default values for their types.
Sets the local variable signature that describes the layout of local variables for the associated dynamic method.
Gets a metadata token for the signature that describes the local variables for the method in metadata.
Gets a metadata token for the signature that describes the local variables for the method in metadata.