It follows the travels of French silkworm merchant Michael Pitt, who heads to Japan and becomes besotted with a mysterious concubine, all the while taking his missus Keira Knightley for granted.
它讲述了一个法国丝蚕商Michael Pitt去到日本并且被一个秘密情人冲昏头脑的旅程,在这同时还理所当然的有个太太凯拉·奈特莉。
Pitt is a producer on the project through his Plan B film company, and British filmmaker Michael Winterbottom, whose credits include "Welcome to Sarajevo" and "The Road to Guantanamo," is directing.
Pitt is a producer on the project through his Plan B film company, and British filmmaker Michael Winterbottom, whose credits include "Welcome to Sarajevo" and "The Road to Guantanamo," is directing.