Microsoft Outlook must be set as the default email client.
必须将Microsoft Outlook设置为默认电子邮件客户机。
This setting is set to 0 unless an item is currently being mapped to Microsoft Outlook.
将此设置设置为0,除非当前将项目映射为Microsoft Outlook。
In the screenshots here we're using Microsoft Outlook, but this system works in any email program.
截图里我们使用Microsoft Outlook,但是这个系统可以在任何电子邮件程序中工作。
Groove features folder synchronization and integration with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office.
But if you show users a handy little Microsoft Outlook trick before the end of the day, you'll soon return to hero status.
If the mail file contains significant amounts of data, it may take a while to make this data available within Microsoft Outlook.
如果该邮件文件包含大量重要数据,那么可能要花一点时间使这些数据在Microsoft Outlook中可用。
Microsoft Outlook has historically been at the heart of document-based environments that for many years have ruled the enterprise.
If this is a new installation of Microsoft Outlook, launch the client once to complete the installation process of Microsoft Outlook.
如果是新安装Microsoft Outlook,那么只要启动客户机一次,就可以完成Microsoft Outlook的安装过程。
VCARD is an Internet Standard used by Apple's iCal and Microsoft Outlook, among others, as online business cards or addressbook entries.
VCARD是Apple 的iCal、Microsoft Outlook等程序使用的国际标准,它用来表示在线业务卡或地址簿条目。
This example shows a simple tactical method that USES the local Microsoft Outlook address book and the Lotus Notes personal address book.
这个示例展示了利用本地的Microsoft Outlook地址簿和LotusNotes个人地址簿的简单的战略方法。
The Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook Setup program is designed to be installed on a user's system and can be made available on the network.
DominoAccessfor Microsoft OutlookSetup程序被设计安装在用户的系统上,并且可在网络上使用。
Microsoft Outlook has information rights management (IRM) features that let you exercise some control over your messages even after you hit Send.
From the mail client perspective, the user experience of Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook is virtually identical to that of Microsoft Outlook.
从邮件客户机的观点来看,DominoAccessforMicrosoft Outlook的用户体验实际上与Microsoft Outlook的用户体验是一致的。
By default, Feedinvader USES a standard, email client-like, three-pane view, with a color scheme that is somewhat reminiscent of Microsoft Outlook.
Programs like Microsoft Outlook default to Arial, but a thinner-lined typeface such as Century Gothic requires less toner or ink to form its characters.
Microsoft Outlook之类的程序默认的字体是Arial,但是像CenturyGothic类线条较细的字体形成字符只需要较少的色粉或墨水。
But that way lies Microsoft Outlook — a bloated, hard-to-use program that does virtually nothing useful for anybody (now tell us what you really think, Allen).
但那种方式类似于Microsoft Outlook——一个臃肿但难用的程序,它实际上不能为任何人做什么有用的事(艾伦,现在告诉我们你到底在想什么)。
This offers a solution for users who may have Microsoft Outlook on their computers at work and Lotus Notes on their laptops, but need to work with the same data.
这为想让Microsoft Outlook在其计算机上运行和想让LotusNotes在其笔记本电脑上运行的用户提供了一种解决方案,但是需要使用相同的数据。
While some email clients like Gmail or Microsoft Outlook can display rich message formatting with images and colors, or display attached files inline, there's no consistency.
而像Gmail或Microsoft Outlook的电子邮件客户端可以显示带有图片和颜色的丰富的息,或显示内嵌的附加,但是没有统一的格式。
My company USES the Zimbra mail suite, and it is modeled to look like Microsoft Outlook, with (I suppose) the impetus that looking like a desktop app will make it feel like one.
我的公司使用的是Zimbra邮件套件,它模仿的是Microsoft Outlook,我猜想其中的原因一定是觉得看起来像桌面应用程序就会感觉上也像桌面应用程序。
The Evolution mail client provides the same functions as Microsoft Outlook, including multiple E-mail accounts, contacts, calendars, tasks, and memos integrated into a single application.
Evolution邮件客户端提供了与Microsoft Outlook相同的功能,包括整合到单个应用程序中的多个电子邮件帐户、通讯簿、日历、任务和备忘录。
If you're one of the millions of people using Microsoft Outlook, either at home or at the office, you've probably had to move your email from one computer to another at some point in time.
如果你是一个数以百万计的人使用Microsoft Outlook,无论是在家里或在办公室,你可能已经将您的电子邮件从一台计算机向另一在某个时候。
The main reason for this is that, as I noted last year, its synced calendars and contacts show up in an odd manner in Microsoft Outlook, the most popular calendar and contact program in Windows.
正如我去年所指出的,其中的主要原因是,其同步的联系人和日程表会以一种奇怪的方式显示在Microsoft Outlook上,后者是Windows最受欢迎的联系人和日程表软件。
Whether you use a client application such as Microsoft Outlook, or a Web-based E-mail system like Google Gmail, you should minimize or close the E-mail window when you are not actively using it.
The LiteScape OnCast Client (OC Client) is a desktop application that displays messages from the MAP server as well as interacts with desktop applications such as address books and Microsoft Outlook.
LiteScape的OnCast客户端(OC客户端)是一个桌面程序,它能够展示从MAP服务器获取的消息,同时还能够与其它桌面程序(例如地址簿和Microsoft Outlook)等交互。
Global PC sales surged 22.4 percent last quarter, industry tracker IDC said this week, helped by strong demand from businesses, signaling a strong outlook for Microsoft.
In the previous quarter, results came in well below forecasts, and Microsoft rescinded its prior outlook for 2009.
In Outlook 2010, due out next year, Microsoft says it hopes to streamline work in Outlook, creating smarter rules that do more with less manual work.
微软公司表示,希望能让明年推出的Outlook 2010工作起来更顺手,创建更聪明的规则,减少不必要的手动操作。
To take advantage of this method, Outlook users must configure their Outlook clients to use Microsoft Word to both edit email messages and read Rich Text messages.
To take advantage of this method, Outlook users must configure their Outlook clients to use Microsoft Word to both edit email messages and read Rich Text messages.