The data binding in WPF is simply amazing. Since Visual Basic 3, Microsoft has been trying to find that magic combination of flexibility, robustness, and ease of use.
WPF中的数据绑定让人眼前一亮,自从Visual Basic3以来,微软一直致力于将灵活性、健壮性与易用性有机地整合起来。
A product that would require that existing applications that use older Microsoft technologies (like Visual Basic) be upgraded to take advantage of its services.
能模仿. NET的产品将需要现有的,使用旧的Microsoft技术(比如Visual Basic)的应用程序升级到可以利用它的服务。
Arsenovski is a contributing author for different major publications, holds a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) certification, and was named Visual Basic MVP in 2005.
Arsenovski还是多个主要出版商的丛书作者,拥有微软认证解决方案开发专家(MCSD, Microsoft Certified Solution Developer)证书,并在2005年被提名为Visual BasicMVP。
Arsenovski is a contributing author for different major publications, holds a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) certification, and was named Visual Basic MVP in 2005.
Arsenovski还是多个主要出版商的丛书作者,拥有微软认证解决方案开发专家(MCSD, Microsoft Certified Solution Developer)证书,并在2005年被提名为Visual BasicMVP。