For example, a WebSphere Portal user can convert a Microsoft Word file to RTE format (Rich text Editor format, used by document Manager to create text documents) using DCS.
例如,WebSpherePortal用户可以使用DCS将Microsoft Word文件转换为rte格式(DocumentManager用来创建文本文档的富文本编辑器格式)。
It also supports image and file attachments to improve test readability, and allows testing teams to import pre-existing Microsoft Word and Excel-based manual tests.
它还支持图像和文件附件以改善测试可读性,并允许测试团队引入已经存在的基于Microsoft Word和Excel的人工测试。
There is compare functionality for Microsoft Word documents, but ClearCase needs to be made aware of the RequisitePro requirement document types and their specific file extensions.
Microsoft Word文档有一个比较功能,但是ClearCase需要知道RequisitePro需求文件类型,以及它们特定的文件扩展名。
As shown in Figure 7, specify the type of file as Microsoft Word document, specify the document to import, then select Next.
如图7所示,把文件类型指定成Microsoft WordDocument,指定要导入的文档,然后选择Next。
In the Import Wizard dialog box (Figure 6. Branching - Import document), select Microsoft Word document and then browse to the previously stored file and click Next.
在ImportWizard对话框(图6,“分支—Import文件”)中,选择Microsoft Worddocument,然后切换至前面存储的文件并点击Next。
The Parse_Dps Extractor executes a small script (in the scripting language of Rational DOORS) that computes the filename of the Microsoft Word document template file for each object.
Parse_DpsExtractor执行了一个小型的脚本(使用RationalDOORS的脚本语言),该脚本为每一个对象都计算了Microsoft Word文件模板文件的文件名。
If you want to add your own document type, you must create the relevant Microsoft Word document template (.dot file) and a definition file before adding a new document type.
如果想要添加自己的文档类型,就必须在添加新文档类型之前创建相应的Microsoft Word文档模板(. dot文件)和定义文件。
That implementation included Word, Excel and PowerPoint and it was documented as Microsoft Office File Formats.
You will be able to open this file type on your computer and can use it for most on-screen needs such as your website and Microsoft products like Word and PowerPoint.
You will be able to open this file type on your computer and can use it for most on-screen needs such as your website and Microsoft products like Word and PowerPoint.