In 2015, the name MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, 中东呼吸综合征) made people of this region angry.
I listened to my friend closely, because deciding my son's middle name was an arduous task for my husband and me.
When I was old enough, I discovered that his name was not actually Dad, but Richard, and that my middle name was Richard as well.
Notice how one of the steps—adding a middle name—is marked as optional.
注意其中一个步骤 —添加中间名字 —是如何被标记为可选的。
It also includes an introduction by novelist Pat Conroy, who says his mother was so affected by the novel, she changed her middle name to Margaret.
We ended up settling on both, giving him one for a middle name and one as a Hebrew name, a Jewish tradition.
Steven: I'm not sure what she wants as a middle name. We haven't decided yet.
Obama's middle name "Hussein" and his popularity in Arab countries could pose a serious threat to the organization.
Steven: I'm not sure what she wants as a middle name. We haven't decided yet. Well, Connie, we've been too busy.
But, when I grew out of the parent-loathing years, and learned to respect them again, my middle name became a matter of quiet pride.
Every time I see her she's got a new middle name for herself... Old Phoebe said something then, but I couldn't hear her.
It has also emerged that his middle name is Hussein, and that his ears stick out.
OK.. I'm 25years old... My middle name is Ana.. Susan Ana Webster.
我二十岁. .我的中间名是埃娜。. .苏珊。埃娜。韦伯斯特。
He'd say, "Oprah Gail"—that's my middle name—"I don't know what you're gonna do without that degree."
由于我没有毕业,他总是说:“Oprah Gail(我的中间名字),我不知道没有学位你能做些什么。”
While I plan to keep Peterson as a middle name (an occurrence that is quickly replacing the hyphenate), it is simply not the same.
It also noted that there already is a woman in Sweden with Metallica as a middle name.
His book gives her middle name as Maria and her birthplace as Bucharest.
Mr. Urdang — he had a middle name, his daughter Nicole said, “but he would not rest peacefully if it appeared in print” — was born in Manhattan on March 21, 1927.
厄当先生——这是他的一个中间名(middle name),他的女儿妮可说:“如果那个名字在印刷中出现的话,他是不会安生的。”
Of course the number seven holds a special meaning for LA Galaxy star David - not only is it his daughter's middle name, but it is also his shirt number from his Manchester United days.
"Little Lord Fauntleroy." This classic spawned the Fauntleroy suit and named a duck (Donald duck's middle name is Fauntleroy).
I sometimes imagined that my parents had some special plan for me, something secret and important, and that my middle name was a tag, a sort of reminder of that plan.
NOBODY will call him the Iron Prime Minister, and the word “prudent” ceased to serve as his virtual middle-name a decade ago.
Later, Dee ‘Danger Is My Middle Name’ and I head to the river for a swim. Crocodiles?
And if he persists, and if he to present himself to the registrar, he may be disqualified because he did not spell out his middle name or because he abbreviated a word on the application.
Houston. Stockton is hated there, but Houston happens to be his middle name.
Therefore, he was taken in by a couple called the Allans, who gave him his middle name.
One day, while filling out an application form for a publishing job, the young woman impulsively substituted her middle name, Lynne, for her first name Debbie.
educing names to [a final presentation] format requires hand-tuning, as when the middle name "O'Flynn" reduces to "O'F.", or knowing that "Willard van Orman Quine" is properly "Quine, W.V.O."
educing names to [a final presentation] format requires hand-tuning, as when the middle name "O'Flynn" reduces to "O'F.", or knowing that "Willard van Orman Quine" is properly "Quine, W.V.O."