He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.
When you enter the school gate, you will see a main road leading straight to the teaching building in the middle of our school.
In recent years, many mid-sized cities have begun to adopt a middle-of-the-road approach incorporating the excitement and opportunity of large cities with small cities' quiet after midnight.
While he was looking for a parking space, he saw a goose standing in the middle of the road.
"Who put this box in the middle of the road?" the student said to himself, but he did not try to move the box away.
Rong Sheng from the school's safety department said, "In the past, our school safety guards had to stand in the middle of the road after school to stop the cars."
He placed a large stone in the middle of the main road and hid gold coins under the stone.
At a busy road in front of a gate of Bishan Middle School, the crosswalk is installed to keep the students safe when they cross the road after school.
The fence along the middle of the road is intended to guard vehicles from crashing into each other.
"I'm more worried about middle-of-the-road students getting lost, " said Stephanie Powell.
Prince had lain there in the ditch since the morning; but the place of the blood-pool was still visible in the middle of the road, though scratched and scraped over by passing vehicles.
They hedged the right to choose with various restrictions, such as parental notification, and concentrated on winning over middle-of-the-road voters.
We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over.
"It is in incredibly bad taste," he said. "the pigeon finishes up dead in the middle of the road - it's black humour which we don't find amusing."
Almost certainly the dogs would be returned to the middle of the road again within minutes.
EXAMPLE: I hate driving behind a road hog who drives in the middle of the road and won't let me pass him.
A car had broken down in the middle of the road, and the family were waiting in it for help.
KWS discovered the elephant's body lying in the middle of the road with its tusks taken by poachers.
And in a climate as polarised as this one, being middle-of-the-road is a good way to get run over.
During his short journey, the toddler stalled the van several times in the middle of the road and a passer-by alerted police.
It appeared to be wondering what to do next as it stayed poised in the middle of the road.
Because Equus is sold through Hyundai dealerships, a middle-of-the-road brand, dealers routinely pick up cars and deliver loaners to customers' homes and businesses.
Of course, it's strange that there's this house standing in the middle of the road.
But it is striking that all these former leaders are middle-of-the-road moderates, not wild-eyed leftists.
Equally gassy and difficult to drink was the "beer cocktail with creme DE peche and cranberry juice", and the Kasteel Cru Rose was a disappointing alternative to any middle-of-the-road Rose wine.
Ira chased her, running in the middle of the road faster than I'd ever seen him run.
Ira chased her, running in the middle of the road faster than I'd ever seen him run.