In our scenario, the integration point existed between the middle-tier application server that ran the web service and the Microsoft Word template that invoked it.
This design pattern introduces an application server in the middle tier which brokers connections between clients and the data tier.
If you see that the middle tier is becoming the bottleneck, you may have to add more no. of application servers and same is the case with the data tier.
For example, consider an application that USES data in both a middle-tier Oracle database and a mainframe CICS or IMS system with an MQSeries interface.
This feature of the XQuery makes it possible to push not only the business logic but also the publishing to the database server, in effect making the middle tier application very simple and thin.
Such adaptive navigation can also be part of the processing module or middle tier of the software application.
The adaptation rules for presentation and navigation will be implemented in the processing module of the application using a suitable programming language or a middle tier framework.
With an SOA, application logic is located within the middle tier, operating with any number of technologies, residing outside the department, or even outside the company.
Runtime patterns are used to define the logical middle-tier structure used to support application patterns.
The best performance environment is one that replicates production both in the middle tier WebSphere Application Server, and in the backend (such as databases, mainframes, and so on).
First, the Investment Management and Private Banking Group's IT policy states that all business logic should reside in stored procedures and not at the middle tier (application server) level.
First, the Investment Management and Private Banking Group's IT policy states that all business logic should reside in stored procedures and not at the middle tier (application server) level.