A middle ground is needed: a mechanism by which regulators can inflict losses on financial firms' shareholders and creditors without sparking a wider panic.
Some years back, a brave young boy in a small town was challenged by his friends to fix a nail in a tree situated in the middle of a burial ground at midnight.
It is in the middle of the trees, raised from the ground and protected by branches and leaves.
It is shown that the ground settlement produced by middle zone is greater because of double disturbance during parallel pipe jacking construction.
It shows that the ground settlement produced by middle zone is greater because of double disturbance during parallel pipe jacking construction.
By the time the middle-aged couple arrived at the foot of Raeburn Wynd, she was kneeling on the ground, hands over her face, shoulders heaving with sobs.
Another long fiber, previously impregnated with sulphur, was attached to the middle of the first, by one end, while the other lay on the ground several feet distant from the mine.
Unwittingly had come to the middle of the night one o 'clock, and slowly closer to hear the voice of a distant, people one by one from the ground up Shangpa.
Unwittingly had come to the middle of the night one o 'clock, and slowly closer to hear the voice of a distant, people one by one from the ground up Shangpa.