In a recent survey, questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle size cities around the country, plus one large metropolitan area.
In a recent survey, questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle size cities around the country, plus one large metropolitan area.
Our sun is a middle size star so it probably not big enough to cause a supernova explosion.
Pieces of mini White Lotus Seed with Egg Yolk and 1 piece middle size Green Alga with Egg Yolk Moon Cake.
The road is set up a crime ring modal of middle size which pay equal attention to custody and non-custody penalty.
After that, I sold him a small size fishing line, then middle size fishing line, and finally big size fishing line.
This machine can be used for non-ferrous metals die-casting parts such as Aluminum, Zinc, Copper etc. with middle size.
This language is suitable for simulating the middle size and small logic networks in research institutes, factories ect.
Ok. Let me look at your baggage. They will need two middle size boxes. By the way, are there any dangerous goods in your baggage?
Natural gas resources are widespread in terrestrial basins of China. Large or middle size gas fields have been found in southeast sea areas.
Most cases (195 cases, 61 32%) happened in middle size hospitals of cities and counties In recent years, disputes in private-owned clinics were increasing;
发生在市(县)级中等大小医院的纠纷最多见,有195例,占6 1 32 % ,近年私人诊所的医疗纠纷明显增多;
Cage type pulverizer is middle size horizontal cagebar pulverizer and can pulverizer varies fertilizers that is less than 6% water, especially harder rigidity matter.
The soybean variety under-sowing with maize ought to select that the leaf is middle size, lanceolate or elliptic, deep green colour, and the petiole is short and thick;
The synthetical results show that skew spindle high pressure finishing is proved to be an ideal technology to improve large and middle size disc_type part′s surface and performance.
The robot soccer match is divided into four kinds of groups which are Computer-emulational match, Microsot soccer match, Middle size robot soccer match and four-legs robot soccer match.
A simulation experiment of small break loca is introduced, which was caused by the breakdown of a small size or middle size pipe located at upper plenum, or by unexpected opening the safety valve.
So setting up new companies of any size usually requires resources available only to the rich-who may not be interested-or to the well-off middle class.
China's massive size makes its growing middle class an important part of the global economy.
And the new middle class, growing in size by 50 million a year, has money in its pockets and is looking for new distractions.
In a previous study, Trinkaus found that shoe-wearing and barefoot human groups show characteristic differences in the size and strength of their middle toe bones.
Usually, an income of that size requires regular, formal employment, with a salary and some benefits, that is, a steady job-another key middle-class characteristic.
Galloway (10) found that long-term climate change controlled population size in middle-latitude areas.
It can use nearly all existing iPhone apps. These can either run in a small, iPhone-size window in the middle of the screen, which makes them look tiny, or blown up to double size.
And smack in the middle of his office sits an almost-life-size model motorcycle that resembles a Harley-Davidson. (he has a real one at home.)
I also find it much easier to read on this device than the iPhone. The bigger screen size makes a huge difference, at least on my middle aged eyes.
I also find it much easier to read on this device than the iPhone. The bigger screen size makes a huge difference, at least on my middle aged eyes.