There could be no doubt of his obtaining leave of absence immediately, for he was still only a midshipman;
It was a seaman, quite a little personage, so little as if he were a midshipman; but a midshipman it was not.
Though wounded, Broke was able to save the life of a young American midshipman who had slid down a rope from the fore-top.
Many minor incidents in the household life of the Ships' Instrument-maker who was proud of his little Midshipman, assisted and bore out this fancy.
Admiral Nelson's encounter as a plucky 14-year-old midshipman fighting only with the butt of his musket is surely a myth, but others are true.
Later in the month Darwin tried to get FitzRoy to allow his friend, Francis Owen (Fanny Owen's brother), to be part of the crew as a Midshipman.
AS an 18 year Midshipman in HMAS Australia in 1940, we spent time off Bear Island, well above the Arctic Circle and so I qualified for this Award.
"Little Tukey! Little Tukey!" cried someone near. It was a seaman, quite a little personage, so little as if he were a midshipman; but a midshipman it was not.
Here he lived too, in skipper-like state, all alone with his nephew Walter: a boy of fourteen who looked quite enough like a midshipman, to carry out the prevailing idea.
Here he lived too, in skipper-like state, all alone with his nephew Walter: a boy of fourteen who looked quite enough like a midshipman, to carry out the prevailing idea.