We will help rural migrant workers in cities solve their housing problems.
We need to gradually solve the problem of low wages for rural migrant workers in cities.
Migrant workers in cities often end up with undesirable and low-paid jobs, such as housekeeping and street cleaning.
The housing security system of our country expresses intense society exclusion to the rural migrant workers in cities.
Second, we will expand employment opportunities for rural migrant workers in cities while stabilizing their existing jobs.
Migrant workers in cities have made great contribution to the society, but the majority of them had no basic medical insurance.
Because of a number of inequable systems and historical formation of the institutional barriers, migrant workers in cities can not enjoy all their rights.
The paper reviews the health status of migrant workers in cities. Their poor health status reflects the lack of public health services acquisition among them.
China's current job market vulnerable groups composed mainly of three types: laid-off workers, unemployed people and migrant workers in cities to make a living.
With the large number of migrant workers in cities, how to control a large-scale transmission of tuberculosis and tuberculosis are also infected with HIV has been a huge challenge.
As the public generally still lack the courage to take paid leave nowadays, all the crying out for "paid leave for migrant workers in cities" would invariably end up as a "white-wash".
It's true that sometimes migrant workers will avoid forms of officialdom because technically they don't really have the right to be residing and working in cities.
If migrant workers and their families were allowed to settle in cities, they would buy houses and spend their incomes in local shops rather than saving to send money home.
But for the children of migrant workers living in the cities, their ways of spending the months long holiday is quite different.
Unlike older migrant workers who came to earn money for a few years before returning to their villages, the new generation intends to stay, envisioning a life in the neon-splashed cities.
Despite living in cities, migrant workers are still registered as rural residents.
Irrespective of whether housing prices were high or low, migrant workers or low-income urban families can rarely afford to buy a house in cities.
And around 20m migrant workers were wending their way back to their villages, jobless after the collapse of construction and export booms in coastal cities.
Now we have about 242 million rural migrant workers on working in the cities. And their wage income now accounts for about 50% of their total income.
It raised the estimate of the current number of rural migrant workers to 140 million, and said about 23 million were looking for new work either in cities or in their home region.
There are about 242 million rural migrant workers working in cities and their wage income now accounts for about 50% of total income.
His situation also explains why unemployed migrant workers - farmers who leave their homes for work in the cities - have largely remained quiet.
Migrant workers previously had to send their children back to their hometowns to take the exam, even though the children attended high school in the cities where their parents worked.
Such as the rural population shrinks, migrant workers wages can't guarantee, migrant workers' children can't go to school in the cities and so on.
Such as the rural population shrinks, migrant workers wages can't guarantee, migrant workers' children can't go to school in the cities and so on.