By comparison, President Obama announced last week that each automaker will be required to reach a corporate average of 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016.
I get 10% fewer miles per gallon when I use 10% ethanol fuel.
'If you are buying an automobile, it's what's your miles per gallon?'
John who drives a Toyota Corolla reports that he is getting 56 miles per gallon.
These days, a sedan that only runs 5 miles per gallon would be laughed off a car lot.
Hummers weigh up to five tons and have fuel consumption of around 15 miles per gallon.
And bigger hybrids, such as the Ford Escape, still clock in at around 34 miles per gallon.
Three days after the contest, Walter sets the FAM economy record at 188.234 miles per gallon.
The average new car sold in Britain now does 52.5 miles per gallon, up from 40.6mpg ten years ago.
When the new Mazda 2 goes on sale in Japan next year, it's going to get 70.5 miles per gallon there.
American automobiles must meet a federally mandated fuel-efficiency standard of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.
The next factor is the energy cost of running, which is the equivalent to miles per gallon in an automobile.
The site then creates a handy log of your fuel consumption as well as graphs of things like average miles per gallon.
Consumer Reports rates it at 55 highway miles per gallon and praises it for its firm, steady ride and roomy rear seat.
From 2006 to 2010 the average fuel economy of new cars and light trucks rose from 25.8 miles per gallon of petrol to 29.2.
The new standards require an average fuel economy of 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016, an increase of more than eight miles per gallon.
(100 km/h) in 23 seconds. Fuel economy is excellent: about 56 miles per gallon (24 km/L), better than a Prius, Toyota's hybrid sedan.
The vehicle sells for $ 19, 900, gets 70 miles per gallon, burns fuel that costs $ 1 per gallon and emits virtually no pollutants.
这款车辆售价为19 , 900美元,每加仑可跑70英里,燃烧每加仑1美元的燃料,而且几乎不冒半点污染物。
The vehicle sells for $ 19, 900, gets 70 miles per gallon, burns fuel that costs $ 1 per gallon and emits virtually no pollutants.
这款车辆售价为19 , 900美元,每加仑可跑70英里,燃烧每加仑1美元的燃料,而且几乎不冒半点污染物。