Shortly before Lo's arrest, his son enrolled in a Taipei military academy, continuing the family's military tradition into a third generation.
She visited Pakistan's military academy at Abbottabad, and writes glowingly of how the institution "spares nothing in its quest for excellence."
The Black Hawks were to drop the SEALs and depart in less than two minutes, in hopes locals would assume they were Pakistani aircraft visiting the nearby military academy.
Its latest acquisition is a branch of St Cyr, the French military academy.
In Libya at that time, a military career provided an opportunity for upward mobility, and Qaddafi entered the Libyan military academy in Benghazi in 1961.
Pakistan's main military academy—the country’s Sandhurst or West Point—is only short distance away on foot.
Respondents included 10 university students, seven media workers, four lawyers, seven manual laborers and a graduate from a military academy.
One of the officers was Zdzislaw Peszkowski, a 21-year-old who had just graduated from the military academy.
其中一名波兰军官叫做Zdzislaw Peszkowski,年仅21岁,刚从军事学院毕业。
He also announced a plan to build a military academy in Afghanistan modeled after England's Sandhurst academy.
The researchers came to their conclusions after studying the development of 900 army cadet officers over a three-year period at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York.
In 1830, his stepfather, John Allan, helped Poe win an appointment to the Military Academy at West point.
The troop withdrawals from Afghanistan will begin next month, as Obama promised when he ordered the surge in a speech 18 months ago at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York.
Kori Schake is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and an associate professor at the United States Military Academy at West Point.
After graduating from a French military academy in 1785, Napoleon joined an artillery regiment of the French army.
Poe served in the Army for two years, before entering the United States Military Academy at West Point to become an officer. He was dismissed from the academy in eighteen thirty-one after six months.
Its casket was moved to a military academy yesterday, that's where his state funeral is scheduled to happen tomorrow.
After a three-month review, the president delivers a televised prime-time address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point Tuesday to broadly define the mission of the war.
经过三个月的审议过后,周二黄金时段,奥巴马将在美国陆军军官学校 (U.S.Military AcademyatWestPoint,即“西点军校”)发表电视讲话,对美军在阿富汗的任务给出宽泛定义。
The United States Naval Academy and United States Military Academy had the highest yields: 85.5 percent and 77.0 percent, respectively.
Senior Colonel Li Jie, a researcher at the Chinese Navy's Military Academy, said a lack of naval exchanges had led to misunderstandings in the past.
In 1911 he was admitted into the Military Academy, which he finished in 1913, being promoted captain in the meanwhile.
Americans are justly proud of the West Point Military Academy.
AIM: To analyze the correlation between personality and competency of cadets in military academy.
When he graduated from the New York Military Academy in 1964, there were a lot of opportunities opening up for him.
His day, as regimented as at a military academy, will end at lights-out at 10:30 P. M.
His day, as regimented as at a military academy, will end at lights-out at 10:30 P. M.