The chatter in Pakistan was of frenzied preparation for military confrontation.
Georgia is emerging battered but defiant from its recent military confrontation with Russia.
Sometimes China also must carry on the counter, so that could lead to a military confrontation.
They told me that Turkey and Greece were on the brink of military confrontation and implored me to intervene to stop it.
Across the seas and oceans of Asia, islands and the waters around them are frequently a source of dispute and even military confrontation.
Georgian officials described their troop withdrawal from South Ossetia's capital as a goodwill measure aimed at stopping the military confrontation.
Correlated with both military confrontation and security cooperation, US-Taiwan "quasi-alliance" is the result of mutual balancing and mutual compromise.
But Obama's message to Europe is this: Talking with Iran will help bring more support for tougher sanctions applied by even more countries, and thus help prevent a military confrontation.
Measures should include direct economic confrontation with China including sanctions and border controls – backed up, if necessary, by military action.
[font=verdana, geneva, arial, sans serif]Yet the hardtruth, for Georgians and others, is that pleas for military backingfrom the West in any confrontation with Russia are unlikely to beheeded.
But talk of a new set-piece confrontation between two military blocks that spend most of their time and energy planning to fight one another is wildly overdone.
Yet the hard truth, for Georgians and others, is that pleas for military backing from the West in any confrontation with Russia are unlikely to be heeded.
In terms of the relation between occupying the military points at the confrontation between the North and the South dynasties an.
In terms of the relation between occupying the military points at the confrontation between the North and the South dynasties an.