Military control is the rights of the general, and it is the key that will allow him to establish authority on his army.
Aung Zaw said that to a certain extent this may be true, but he doubted it would make much difference in terms of military control.
Beginning in 2011, this new radar will enhance the capabilities of the Kourou military control center in Kourou, operated by the French air force.
The institution of Shanghai Military Control Commission were continually adjusted to meet the job requirements under the changed focus of work.
At that time, China has not announced low altitude opens policy, airspace 70% it is military control, civil aircraft and train a plane and can not fly freely in the sky.
Methods Agitated feeling and work interest state were surveyed with psychological stress self-report questionnair in 519 earthquake rescue workers and 85 healthy military control.
Other issues include restrictions on flight times, extremely limited flight paths due to military control of the skies and limited access to the high altitudes for which many jets are designed.
In terms of the cadre and personnel arrangements, the cadres in Shanghai Military Control Commission presented two general characteristics: relatively high quality and special work by special cadres.
The readjustment will further strengthen the U. S. military control ability in the Asia-Pacific region and exert a profound influence on the region and the international security environment as well.
By early yesterday, the insurgents had taken control of the country's main military air base.
The space shuttle undertook a top-secret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control.
All of this entailed tremendous risk, because France did not have the military resources to control this much territory and still protect itself and maintain order at home.
The hope is that China's main military aim is to have control of the waters round its coasts, and thus to keep other countries away from its maritime borders.
This allows the military to put synthetic fuel in one tank and control feeding into the desired engines and put conventional fuel in the remaining fuel tanks for the remaining engines.
Andrew Johnson had to flee his home to save his life. He returned only after Union forces took control of Tennessee and made him military governor.
The Wolverhampton operation designs and manufactures primary and secondary flight control actuation for a number of commercial and military programs.
A NATO-Russia Operational Exercises Team led by the NATO Consultation, command and control Agency (NC3A) has been working with NATO's military commands and Eurocontrol on the project.
This C2 article goes on to say that 'command and control' is such a loaded term in the military that it limits perceptions and learning.
In his first year as king, François won a significant military victory at Marignano, regaining control of the Duchy of Milan, the French gate to Italy.
He added that such systems had already been deployed at an auxiliary command and control post of the General Staff, the Voronezh Army, and the Moscow Military District.
Typically, witnesses who take the trouble to report a sighting consider the object to be of extraterrestrial origin or possibly a military craft but certainly under intelligent control.
It is outrageous of you to suggest that I jeopardize the neutrality of the International Fleet in order to take control of children who have completed their military service with the IF.
The C2 Research Center is the place on the web where the best military minds are studying Agility relative to "Command and Control".
Increasing the training of the Iraqi police and military forces so they can assume control of security.
Military commanders depend on a complex network of command and Control (C2) systems to provide critical information to support decision making.
A group of military officers in Madagascar say they have taken control of the island nation.
A group of military officers in Madagascar say they have taken control of the island nation.