And next month, we will change our military mission from combat to supporting and training Iraqi security forces.
Recently, terrain walkthrough has been widely used in computer games, VR, flight simulations, military mission planning and GIS etc.
China has only completed its test flight but yet to have operational test to determine its effectiveness during any military mission.
But on Friday, Oct. 29, Russia and the U.S. made a startling announcement: they had conducted their first-ever joint military mission in Afghanistan.
Electronic technology plays an important role in the military mission of detection, decision and destruction, especially in a quick changing battlefield environment.
But the Pentagon has stressed that the official end to Operation Iraqi Freedom - the US military mission in the country - remains scheduled for the end of the month.
DR. ANDREW MARSHALL: Well, the role of the office has been to make assessments of the military situation, the military balance, in geographical areas or military mission areas.
The space shuttle undertook a top-secret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control.
This mission will demonstrate the resolve and the capability of the Chinese navy to deal with multiple security threats and diversified military tasks.
But the mission to protect civilians was more sensitive, because it involved debate about what exactly are legitimate military targets on the ground.
Moreover, parliament's powers in military matters is a German speciality: even a mission composed of two envoys in Ethiopia must be approved and its mandate renewed annually.
Military officers are trained to complete a mission, no matter how difficult it might seem, and Petraeus appears quite incapable of imagining that he might not succeed, which is optimism of a sort.
Most important, NATO avoided “mission creep”, the dread of modern military forces.
Typical applications include civil and military simulation and training, mission planning, scientific and medical visualization, architectural design, and energy exploration.
After a three-month review, the president delivers a televised prime-time address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point Tuesday to broadly define the mission of the war.
经过三个月的审议过后,周二黄金时段,奥巴马将在美国陆军军官学校 (U.S.MilitaryAcademyatWestPoint,即“西点军校”)发表电视讲话,对美军在阿富汗的任务给出宽泛定义。
A military jet on a training mission from the USS Abraham Lincoln crashed into a San Diego neighbourhood, killing four people on the ground.
Yet all these participants confronted the same lesson that the us military learnt in Vietnam: mission creep is the most dangerous of games.
Space has served military operations at the strategic level, mainly for early-warning and long-range intelligence surveillance in airpower mission planning.
This bold mission, the Kremlin claims, involving ships, military aircraft and other resources, was a national triumph.
The exercise, code-named "Peace Mission-2009", will be carried out in Russia's Far East and China's Shenyang Military Command.
The advantage of military actions is that one can swiftly mobilize human power and other resources to accomplish the mission.
The space shuttle undertook a topsecret mission with a military payload under pentagon control .
Mission Completion Success Probability (MCSP) is one of the important reliability targets Used in military aircraft design. It should be predicted repeatedly.
Mission Completion Success Probability (MCSP) is one of the important reliability targets Used in military aircraft design. It should be predicted repeatedly.