Second, sour cream is made by adding milk solids to obtain the desired texture.
An easy solution, Iserloh said, is to try skim milk plus, which has added milk solids for a creamier taste.
The content of milk solids was higher, the stability of acid milk drink was worse (H value was smaller).
Ice cream containing walnut was produced using conventional procedure modified by addition of 10% walnut milk solids.
Many types of reduced-fat milk replace the fat with milk solids, including acid-producing lactose, and make a harsher tasting yogurt.
Analysts say Fonterra will struggle to meet its promised 2008-2009 payout of NZ$7 per kilogram of milk solids, down from NZ$7.90 in 2007-2008.
The field causes particles in the fluid, like paraffin and asphalt particles in crude oil, or cocoa and milk solids in chocolate, to act like tiny bar magnets, and line up into chains.
Maple Hill signs a contract pledging to buy the farmer's milk at a guaranteed base price, plus quality premiums and incentives for higher protein, butterfat and other solids.
Although 90% of chocolate consumed in the country is milk chocolate, it consists of around 30% cocoa solids.
Researchers say that though 90% of all chocolate eaten in Sweden during the study period was milk chocolate, it contained about 30% cocoa solids.
Solids-not-fat therefore includes the protein, lactose, minerals, vitamins and minor nitrogenous compounds in milk.
Even though the solids are now playing a larger role, the breast milk or formula still provides the core of the nutritional needs.
FOR example, skim milk with an initial solids content of 10% can be concentrated to 20% upon removal of half the water in the FORm of ice.
The more popular sweet chocolate has sugar added, while milk chocolate includes powdered milk as well. White chocolate is made of cocoa butter, sugar and milk, but no cocoa solids.
The more popular sweet chocolate has sugar added, while milk chocolate includes powdered milk as well. White chocolate is made of cocoa butter, sugar and milk, but no cocoa solids.