Sales of cleansing milks, creams, and gels have doubled over the past decade.
The Solar Milks provide electricity for the families.
Just as its name suggests, the Solar Cow can charge batteries called "Solar Milks".
Toast dip with beat eggs and then milks.
He milks the cows and cleans the milking shed.
What organic milks does Organic Valley produce?
These milks don't have enough fat and calories for your growing toddler.
Officials said they will also continue to test milks, eggs, meat and other products.
An Afghan woman milks a cow during an animal husbandry class, September 8, 2011 in Kabul.
Their landlord regularly milks them for extra money by claiming for damage to his property.
Fermented milks (especially yoghurt) are popular fermented dairy products throughout the world.
Make sure you eat your dairy items. You can choose to have low fat or even fat free milks and yogurt's.
In fact, the FDA sets forth only minimal standards regarding the production and sale of synthetic milks.
Soy milks are also used in the management of lactose intolerance and where a vegetarian diet is preferred.
The compositions may be in the form of creams or milks, and show very good stability even after heating to very high temperature.
这些组合物可以为膏状或者乳状,并甚至在加热到非常高温度之 后仍显示出非常好的稳定性。
Therefore, it is important to keep lactic acid bacteria live during distribution and storage of fermented milks and up to the time of consumption.
Many of raw milks most beneficial properties are heat sensitive, meaning that their destruction can occur when the milk is subjected to high temperatures.
After the process of soaking, beany flavor of soybean milks prepared with different blanching temperature or at various grinding conditions was extracted by SDE.
"The supplemented milks are simply adding back something that was originally present, " he told Chemistry & Industry magazine, which reported on the research today.
This article is devoted to the introduction of these bioactive peptides and the discussion of bioactive peptides in dairy products including fermented milks and cheeses.
The only place in the world that milks the spider for its venom is at the Australian Reptile Park near Sydney where it is collected to be made into Antivenom for hospitals.
Lactose is the most mass of elements in cow milk product, no matter in liquid milk or powder, While some foods so-called lactose-free milks be not markedly reduced the lactose.
In addition, some foods (such as milks, cheeses, and juices that have not been pasteurized and undercooked animal foods) pose high risk for food borne illness and should be avoided.
It's a very light sponge cake soaked in a mixture of condensedmilk, evaporatedmilk and regular milk -- the three milks that give it its name -- then coated in lashingsof whipped cream.
The serving sizes of the foods in each list (starches, fruits, milks, vegetables, meats and fats) reflect the mean macronutrient and energy values for each of the groups in this database.
It 's a very light sponge cake soaked in a mixture of condensed milk, evaporated milk and regular milk - the three milks that give it its name - then coated in lashings of whipped cream.
While Freuman does not recommend introducing sweetened, flavored milks (or other drinks) to toddlers or preschool-aged children at home, many school-aged children are faced with the choice every day.
当然,Freuman并不主张向幼儿及学龄前儿童推荐那些添加了糖分和香精的牛奶或饮料。 此外,许多学龄儿童每天也正面临着这样的选择。
While Freuman does not recommend introducing sweetened, flavored milks (or other drinks) to toddlers or preschool-aged children at home, many school-aged children are faced with the choice every day.
当然,Freuman并不主张向幼儿及学龄前儿童推荐那些添加了糖分和香精的牛奶或饮料。 此外,许多学龄儿童每天也正面临着这样的选择。