The high quality millet flour was obtained through wet milling.
It used to be made of millet flour, but now the material is mainly rice flour.
The Lajia noodles were described as having been made by repeatedly stretching dough composed of millet flour with husks.
Sweet crisp pancakes are made by pouring thin liquid millet flour onto a hot frying pan, often with a trace of sugar in the flour.
Finally, Residence time distribution during the blend extrusion of millet flour and soybean meal was studied and available lysine loss caused by extrusion was analyzed kinetically.
Kao Sung-nien's fat but firm face was like an unleavened millet-flour steamed bread. "Voracious time" (Edax vetustas) could not make a dent on it. There was not a single tooth mark or crease .
Kao Sung-nien's fat but firm face was like an unleavened millet-flour steamed bread. "Voracious time" (Edax vetustas) could not make a dent on it. There was not a single tooth mark or crease .