"Mind your head, lad," said Duffle a moment too late, for Shasta had already bashed his forehead against the low lintel of the door.
An urge is simply a thought that pops into your head which turns into a statement in your mind telling your brain you want a biscuit, or some ice cream.
The time between laying your head on the pillow and falling asleep can be a time to plan a lucid dream, or just to let your mind wander and be as imaginative as you like.
So for your own peace of mind, just remember to closely examine any situation and then let your heart rule rather than your head.
Make your mind calm and think the mantra "Om" in your head, your thorax, your belly, your legs, feet, in the earth and in the whole cosmos.
Just keep in mind that with the top down, there's nothing to prevent a lucky zombie from getting in, and the first thing he'll have access to is your head.
With that in mind, it is best to do your ROI homework before you head out to present your enterprise technology standards.
If it's hard for you to decide if a thought popping into your head is more noise from the mind or your intuition, just sit with the thought – if it brings you joy or happiness, then do it.
Mind maps are one of the best ways to process information visually. Begin using the same visual process in your head while reading.
He shook his head and lit another Camel. "Mind your elders, if you please, Caruso."
他摇摇头,点起一支骆驼香烟,“要听长辈的话,卡鲁索 ,如果你愿意的话。”
Take control of your mind and don't let your imagination create frightening pictures in your head.
Her name is pronounced Cansu so she will appreciate your keeping that in mind when you say hello to her in person, Cansu being our head TF.
Keep it in mind, and then turn your approach to the question on its head by asking not "Are stocks cheap?"
A daily writing habit gives you regular time to sweep your mind for forgotten tasks and ideas that have been fermenting in the back of your head without your knowledge.
If you find yourself nodding your head and wringing your hands right now, keep in mind this simple business axiom: Companies get the advertising they deserve.
When someone starts to talk to you, do your best to clear your head of any thoughts that are occupying your mind.
If you want to get out of your head, you can ask yourself questions that will get your mind to focus outwardly.
"Everybody looks for funding in the same old places, with the same old VCs," Adam shakes his head. "Open your mind and look elsewhere."
Hard to jilt jilted head, want to learn to this idea behind, but more want to think, and the more in your mind refused to leave.
A misguiding force in Poker is to be concerned with 'how much of that money in the pot is mine'. Hit yourself in the head every time that suggestion even creeps into your mind.
Push analysis out of your head and trust the guidance of something other than your conscious mind, whether it's a deity, the universe, or your subconscious mind.
The time it takes you to get to and from work is an excellent time to clear your mind so you're ready to be productive in the morning or leave work stress behind as you head home.
If your mind is jumbled and you have too many thoughts and ideas swarming in your head, you won't be able to focus on one good idea.
And when your head finally hits the pillow at 2:00 am, is your mind racing through all you need to accomplish the next day?
When you was offline, my mind was full of you all the time. I think your legs must be tired, for you has run around in my head all the day all along.
Hold your head high and walk on chicly. Don't keep so many things on your mind, it was not your fault.
If you study each day for 10 minutes English will be constantly in your head. If you study once a week, English will not be as present in your mind.
If you study each day for 10 minutes English will be constantly in your head. If you study once a week, English will not be as present in your mind.