The Calcite Mineral Kingdom concludes with this suggestion.
It is the Emerald Mineral Kingdom that writes to you today.
The mineral kingdom is therefore devoted to assisting humans in opening and healing the heart.
We have added this new section to our site which is devoted to messages from the mineral kingdom.
Then request and intend that the mineral kingdom create a synthesis through its collective field upon your alter.
The mineral kingdom invites more reading the web site to work with these materials if you are serious about your ascension.
The Amber Mineral kingdom along with the other kingdoms holding the peach ray has agreed to hold the tones of Absolute Truth.
We recommend spheres as one will be asking of the mineral kingdom to produce the triple sphere movement of energy to begin with.
The Crystalline energy and indeed the entire mineral kingdom relates to humanity through both physical and etheric means. It has always been so.
Most of such consciousness then becomes trapped in the minerals; and the mineral kingdom then also goes into distortion as human form is not their truth.
It is the Amber mineral Kingdom along with all other minerals that hold the peach tones of creation at this time of global ascension that speak to you today.
We have records now of 1800 larger headed humans that became struck here upon earth and in a variety of kingdoms; 80% of these were trapped in the mineral kingdom.
It will generally take roughly 24 hours for the entire download to occur providing there is no entity or soul obstructing the mineral kingdom in one's home or field.
Each who has lineage to such karma will require clearing it; and the mineral kingdom will assist by bringing forth such karma as one chooses to create a synthesis alter.
Their alter anchors a rainbow of tones generated by the mineral kingdom that now reaches over 1000 miles in radius, supporting the anchoring of space necessary to host events such as Conclave.
Just as with the mineral and herb kingdom, we can support ascending humans in this manner too.
Just as with the mineral and herb kingdom, we can support ascending humans in this manner too.