Petrifaction may also involve a simultaneous exchange of the original substance of a dead plant or animal with mineral matter of a different composition.
Mineral matter in a vein exclusive of the ore; gangue.
Each drop of water contains a tiny bit of dissolved lime or other mineral matter.
Dissolved mineral matter is not volatile at the boiling point of water and remains behind.
Said health-care food comprises refined protein raw material, vitamins, mineral matter and additive.
Sometimes water drips directly to the floor, so the mineral matter builds upward, like an upside-down icicle. This is called a stalagmite.
The mineral matter has been separated from 18 coal samples with a low temperature asher, and analyzed by means of X-ray diffraction method.
The effects of coal rank, pyrolytic temperature of coal and mineral matter in coals or chars on their ignition temperature were determined.
As a source material, coal is cheap and abundant and has unique weak bonds and mineral matter, therefore, may be utilized in the nanotubes preparation.
The results show that the mineral matter either promotes or restrains the release of volatile, depending on the compounds of the mineral matter and macerals.
The interaction between mineral matter and metaplast under different conditions was analyzed, and the influencing mechanism of mineral matter on char structure was indicated.
Based on the currently available test devices and measuring methods, it is quit difficult to accurately measure the vaporization rate of mineral matter in coal combustion process.
The article expatiates the main pollutants including nitrogen, phosphor, odor, biological pathogenic agent, mineral matter, and additive agent of medicine from stockbreeding pollution.
In accordance with the procedure of USA SOP-CR-007 standard, it is derived that, when r. o. m. coal is mixed with mineral matter, the mixture varies in property compared with r. o. m. coal.
按照美国SOP-CR - 007标准提供的方法,得出了当原煤与矿物质掺混时,混合物的性质与原煤比较发生了变化。
The mineral nitrogen in soil was greatly changed no matter whether wheat was planted or not.
According to the World Health Organization, the main components of particulate matter are sulfate, nitrates, ammonia, sodium chloride, carbon, mineral dust and water.
Also, irrigation had no obvious effect on the contents of mineral n, organic matter and total n, but it was beneficial to the mineralization of organic n.
Waters, including natural or artificial mineral waters and aerated waters, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured; ice and snow.
Organic inclusions are a kind of mineral fluid inclusions, which mainly contain organic matter.
In this paper, effects of mineral elements and organic matter on garlic bulb fresh weight and allicin content in bulb were studied.
The main lithology is clay, sub-clay, fine sand, fine porosity, the mineral components of rich fluoride provides an abundance of matter resources.
And yet love's more mineral, more dense, more bitter and more weighty than the earth's profoundest matter.
And yet love's more mineral, more dense, more bitter and more weighty than the earth's profoundest matter.