The active region was relaxed to a lower energy state, but not completely to the minimum energy state.
The evolution of configuration from an initial state of a tokamak-like plasma to RFP along the trajectory of minimum energy state is studied.
According to the principle of the fluid mechanics, any system all tend towards to minimum steady state of energy, so the energy in steady flow of annular flow will be minimum.
The ground state wave function can be expressed as a series of integrations along the trajectory and the energy as a series of differentials at the minimum of the potential.
Atomic ground state is the minimum state of atomic energy, which is significance to the study of electric shell structure of atom.
When the aspect ratio of the ellipsoid equal to 1 , the ground state binding energy is a steady minimum value.
When the aspect ratio of the ellipsoid equal to 1 , the ground state binding energy is a steady minimum value.