Theory suggests that the black holes which form from stars should have a minimum mass 25 times that of the sun.
To reduce the mass of the propellant management device and the screen area used, the design was aimed to use the minimum mass to meet the requirement.
The new planet is thought to have a minimum mass 1.25 times that of Jupiter and circles in close proximity to its parent star, with an orbit lasting just 16.2 days.
Telescopic surveys usually reveal just basic information about an extrasolar planet's minimum mass, its distance from its parent star, and whether it is likely to be gassy or rocky, like Earth.
The lump sum of the mass turned out to be a minimum of 400billion suns - enough to indicate that the astronomers had indeed uncovered a massive proto-cluster.
The importance of keeping gyro center-of-mass shifts to a minimum is apparent.
The importance of keeping gyro center - of - mass shifts to a minimum is apparent.
The minimum liquid—vapor ratio and the Height of Mass Transfer Unit "HTU" can be obtained in lack of interphase heat transfer coefficient by the model.
This control method has the advantages of producing minimum level oscillation, and of maximum response speed of the channel water mass to discharge change.
The problem of multistage design of gas turbines is formulated as a multiobjective nonlinear programming problem with the objective functions of minimum aerodynamic loss and total mass of the turbine.
The Church gives us the obligation to attend Sunday Mass and Mass on Holy Days because this is a part of the very necessary minimum required to sustain and nurture our relationship with God.
The DB server is likely to be some mass hosting solution inorder to keep costs to a minimum.
We were faced on one hand with an 'out-of-proportion' existing building mass, and to satisfy client's brief to maximize the space for as many rooms as possible for the minimum budget possible;
We were faced on one hand with an 'out-of-proportion' existing building mass, and to satisfy client's brief to maximize the space for as many rooms as possible for the minimum budget possible;