The goals of compliance should not be to reach the minimum requirements but to exceed them.
Returns a list of formats which meet minimum requirements.
Applicants may be required to have grades higher than the minimum requirements stated.
The documentation to getProperties() contains a list of properties and their minimum requirements.
Are the minimum requirements set out in the IHR too demanding? Should we lower the bar? Surely not.
For the RHCE and RHCT exams, the skills outlined in this chapter are generally minimum requirements.
Your password is too short or does not meet other minimum requirements. Please type a more secure password.
Their role is extremely important, so here we identify the core minimum requirements for each of the roles.
Adhesive for leather and footwear materials. bond strength. minimum requirements and adhesive classification.
In order to get included in our main tests, vendors must fulfill various conditions and minimum requirements.
The minimum requirements of this suite are a web browser and internet connectivity which boosts the product acceptance further.
"Automotive Technician Accreditation - Air Conditioning Refrigerant Handler" is included in the list of minimum requirements.
To build a WSIF you need to meet minimum requirements, no matter what provider you are going to use. The options include the following.
Once you have identified copywriters with the minimum requirements, evaluate their portfolio to see if they're a good fit for you and your clients.
CONTRACTOR to provide detailed description and schematics of minimum requirements for access road and drilling location as appendix to contract.
Once you have identified copywriters with the minimum requirements, evaluate their portfolio to see if they"re a good fit for you and your clients."
AWWA standards describe minimum requirements and do not contain all of the engineering and administrative information normally contained in specifications.
Eight years after the IHR entered into force, fewer than a third of WHO Member States meet the minimum requirements for core capacities to implement the IHR.
In the event applicable local codes and regulations exceed the requirements contained herein, the local codes and regulations must be construed as minimum requirements.
Your system is not compliant with the minimum requirements to play the game. You should look at the details to know which requirements are not satisfied and upgrade it.
Table 1 gives the specifications, package contents, minimum requirements, and available accessories for the Cisco NSS6000 4-bay Advanced Gigabit Storage System Chassis.
表1给出的规格,包装形式的最低请求,思科nss6000 4千兆湾高级底盘和存储零碎提供配件。
Have the person who's screening your calls fill in this information, including salary history, so you can screen out people who don't meet the minimum requirements for the job.
However, hydrophilic lining materials do not automatically provide good electrostatic properties, as demonstrated by several examples which do not fulfil minimum requirements.
If the version of libaio that is installed on your computer does not meet these minimum requirements, you should download the latest RPM Package Manager (RPM) from Red hat or SUSE.
如果安装在计算机上的libaio的版本不能满足这些最低要求,那么应下载来自RedHat或SUSE的最新rPMPackageManager (rpm)。
We were so excited to be approved for a loan, having just come out of Consumer Credit Counseling Services that we jumped at the first house we found that met our minimum requirements.
Individual building products are not certified by LEED, but properly selected materials do affect the building's overall certification if they meet the minimum requirements in any LEED category.
To ensure all food served to guests and employees are free of microbiological, chemical and physical contamination, and all work areas conform to minimum requirements set by local health authorities.
She has met the minimum educational requirements for qualification.
She has met the minimum educational requirements for qualification.