If you meet your minimum standard of giving, you'll find it much easier to meet your minimum standard of living.
The survey also shows it costs 14 thousand pounds per person to achieve a minimum standard of living, based on 2009 prices.
For those who are in poverty as a result of joblessness, there are social programs available that provide a minimum standard of living.
The rural poverty relief system , an important component of rural social relief system , is the pledge for minimum standard of living of rural residents.
Through the study of the minimum living standard security system, the minimum-security work carried out in the form of community operation is the most effective way.
Since 2000, with the increased coverage of minimum living guarantee program, the declining trend of living standard among the urban poor has been effectively checked.
The minimum standard, where fire hoses or overhead sprinklers are not present, is one fully charged fire extinguisher per 1000 sq. ft. of living space.
The minimum standard, where fire hoses or overhead sprinklers are not present, is one fully charged fire extinguisher per 1000 sq. ft. of living space.