In 2004, a new post of Minister Mentor was invented for him in the cabinet of the government headed by his son, Lee Hsien Loong.
2004年,他的儿子李显龙(Lee Hsien Loong)领导的政府内阁为他设立了一个新的内阁资政职位。
For boldness, the palm goes to John Redwood, a former cabinet minister. He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU policy area.
A natural extension of this thinking leads to the door of Terry Moran who, as secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, is the nation's most senior public servant.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told newsmen after the Saturday night cabinet meeting, "All of our goals have been achieved successfully. Hamas was beaten."
With the chief exception of Kaoru Yosano, a fiscal conservative reinstated as economy minister, the cabinet talent is astonishingly thin.
Its ancient chairman, Tsuneo Watanabe, is an ally of Mr Yosano; the paper has been notably kinder to Mr Kan since the former LDP finance minister joined the cabinet.
其前任社长渡部恒雄(Tsuneo Watanabe)是与谢野馨的盟友;自前任ldp财政大臣加入内阁后,该报对菅直人先生的态度改善得十分明显。
Thousands of civil servants are sitting around doing nothing because it is too expensive to make them redundant, Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office minister, said on Tuesday.
Although the prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, and his cabinet members were unharmed, the Windows of his 20-storey headquarters were blown out and its entrance lobby was flattened.
尽管首相延斯·斯托尔滕贝格(Jens Stoltenberg)和他的内阁成员安然无恙,20层高总部的窗户还是被炸毁了,门厅进口也被夷为平地。
Elected members of parliament were allowed to enter the cabinet, and for the first time in a century a "commoner", Fred Sevele, became prime minister.
In 1923 Churchill withdrew from the Liberty Party and was dismissed from cabinet minister and missed the election of the House of Commons due to appendectomy.
The Prime Minister announced the names of those who were to be named to the Cabinet.
Suzuki, Deputy Secretary of Keizou Obuchi's Cabinet, told the NHK television that he believed that the Prime Minister will ask the 79-year-old Miyazawa to stay.
British Prime Minister David Cameron said he was passed a note with news of the engagement during a Cabinet meeting and that, when he informed his colleagues, a cheer went up around the table.
After his expulsion from the cabinet the minister became the subject of smear campaign. It seems the media and the public alike take pleasure in hitting a man when he's down.
Because of Prime Minister Tanaka's acting style, the emperor's perception on the cabinet became more negative, the relation between them became strained.
It means that for nearly 15 years, all Cabinet meetings, the offices of senior officials and all visitors to the Prime Minister - including foreign leaders - were being bugged.
In June 1994, at the age of 50, she joined the Murayama cabinet as Minister of Science and Technology.
The status and the function of cabinet minister in Ming Dynasty, an important subject for the study of Ming Dynasty, have been a great concern of the academic world.
YUKIO HATOYAMA, Japan's prime minister, likens his role to that of a conductor trying to achieve "harmony"—one of his favourite words—from a pickup orchestra (for which read, novice cabinet).
日本首相鸠山由纪夫(YUKIO HATOYAMA)把自己比作一位试图在临时拼凑的管弦乐队(暗指新组建的内阁)中达到“和谐”的指挥家。
Another major figure named to President Widodo's new cabinet is Sri Mulyani Indrawati, a reformist and currently a managing director of the World Bank, who will serve as finance minister.
The opposition find it impossible to discredit the cabinet minister in terms of his performance in office, so they are trying to throw mud at him through his private life.
反对派发现无法就那个内阁阁员的 办事 能力对他的名誉进行损坏时,就试图从他的私生活挑出些毛病来。
If a member of the Cabinet started making waves, the prime minister simply got rid of him.
If a member of the Cabinet started making waves, the prime minister simply got rid of him.